Surprise Vistor

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Over the next few weeks Ginny and Harry were lost in a world of their own. Her brothers gave them no problems once they saw the ring on her finger. Harry took her out to dinner, dancing and the cinema. They went sightseeing and out on the boat one day just the two of them. Ginny was having a wonderful time just being with Harry. "So I'm taking you shopping today." "What!" Ginny had agreed to the dates but except for the dress and shoes, she wouldn't let Harry buy her anything. "I don't need anything new Harry. My clothes still have a few good years left in them." Harry pulled her into her lap in the comfy chair he was sitting in. Wrapping his arms around her he let out a sigh. "You are my woman and I want to lavish you with pretty things. Buying things for you makes me extremely happy." "But Harry the jewelry and clothes were more than enough. You have spent too much on me as it is." "Ginny the jewelry belonged to my mum. I found it in the Potter family vault when I came of age. The goblins informed me of it's existence after the war was over. I never even knew my parents had left me the Potter family heirlooms. They are mine to give to the woman i love...which of course is and always will be you." Ginny had no words with tears streaming down her face she fiercely kissed her wonderful fiancee. "Oh Harry you are too much. I have nothing to give you in return." "Your love,respect,and presence in my life is all I will ever want from you...and maybe a couple half dozen kids in the future." Ginny playfully swatted him on the shoulder. "Fine I give up,take me shopping you demanding man."

At the Mall:

Ginny had never seen so many stores in one place. Harry first took her into a clothing store that had a lot of styles for younger people. When Harry saw her looking for sales racks and checking price tags he gave her another lecture. Ginny bought two outfits and a pair of shoes there. By the third shop she gave in and now Harry was carrying six fully loaded shopping bags. At the last store he put a shrinking charm on all the bags but two,careful to make sure no muggles saw him. After all the shopping Harry took Ginny out for a late lunch at a posh Italian restaurant. They ate,drank wine and just enjoyed each others company. They took the long way home enjoying watching the sunset. Little did they know what waited for them at home.

Back at the House:

Harry and Ginny returned home after the sun had set. Upon entering the house they could tell something was wrong. "It's awfully quite around here." questioned Ginny. "Maybe they decided to go out." said Harry. Harry took the bags to their room and Ginny decided to go in the kitchen and look for a note. They had all agreed early on to leave all notes for each other on the fridge. Ginny entered the kitchen and gasped.

Harry put all their packages on the bed and then headed back downstairs. He really hoped everyone was gone so he and Ginny could have the place all to themselves. "Gin babe where did you go?" Harry yelled out. He went into the laundry room really needing to find a clean shirt. None were in there so he just decided to go without one. Everyone had seen him shirtless plenty of times this past month. Figuring Gin was in the kitchen he headed that way. He walked in and stopped cold when there stood Molly Weasley with the same look on her face as the day she killed Bellatrix Lestrange. All the others were seated around the large dining room table. "Um hi mum." "Don't you hi mum me Harry Potter. You have been gone for a month and no note!" Harry's eyes bugged out and he instantly looked at Hermione. She was suppose to be writing Molly once a week since they arrived. "I'm so sorry Molly I was suppose to write you and I completely forgot. It's no excuse but we all just got caught up in the adventures." Hermione hung her head she couldn't look Molly in the eye. Harry took the empty seat next to Ginny, taking her hand in his. He had never seen Molly this angry. She preceded to lecture them all for at least two hours. Then she made them dinner, making the girl's help her. She sent the boy's outside and they happily ran out there. The cool air hit Harry and he realized he had never put a shirt on. He decided to suffer the chill rather than going back inside.

In the Kitchen:

"Si and Harry?" "Yeah mom,we are very happy together. Are you alright with that?" "Of course Ginevra...I only want my children to be happy and safe. I know you are all of age but that doesn't stop me from worrying. You will understand one day when you have kids." Ginny blushed and continued to slice the potatoes. She totally forgot about her ring until her mom gasped and grabbed her hand.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley what is this!" "A promise ring mum. It's great Harry gave me his mum's promise ring. It's been in his family for generations. Please don't be mad mum. We are so very happy." Ginny took a deep breathe and lowered her head. Next thing she knew her mum had her in a bone crushing embrace. "Harry James Potter get your butt in here!" she exclaimed. Harry was so startled by her voice he fell into the pool. As the boy's were laughing and ribbing him, he quickly climbed out. Nervously he began walking towards the house. The Weasley boy's began to hum the Dead Man's march, and the others couldn't stop laughing.

Harry walked in the door expecting to be wacked upside the head,but instead was engulfed in Molly's embrace. "You really do love my baby girl." "Of course mum...with all my heart." Harry admitted unashamed. " Lovely now go change your clothes,dinner is almost done...son." Harry rushed off to his room to change. He also needed time to breathe. Molly had called him son. He had been waiting a very long time to hear those words spoken to him again. He finally felt like he belonged to a real family.

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