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UNLIKE ALL THE OTHER times, Rome was content without saying anything. She didn't feel like talking, gladly welcoming in the silence. Spending time with the Winter Soldier was one of the few times she'd be able to spend it alone in her thoughts, and not at the beck and call of Alexander Pierce. And she wasn't looking at spells or writing new ones or rewriting them 一 she was reading. In her hands sat a hard covered book, colored a dark beige with a cutesy children's illustration on the cover. While yes, it was technically considered a children's book, but Rome had always had a love for Lewis Carroll. His books were always so mystical and strange for its time, and she'd instantly fallen in love with them. They brought her to another place, in a world that somehow managed to make more sense than the one she lived in, and Rome could have sworn he'd taken inspiration from a supernatural being or two.

The Winter Soldier sat facing her, his long hair obscuring her face from his vision. From behind the curtain, he watched as Rome read. She'd come into his room less than an hour ago, given him that smile that made him feel warm inside, and sat opposite on the bed 一 nothing too out of the ordinary, she did this all the time. But this time, instead of pulling out her grimoire and doing whatever it was that she was doing, Rome had asked that for today, they just rest. Now that had thrown him off. She wanted to relax? Why? This wasn't part of the plan, was it? The asset had been awaiting for something to happen, like if he let down his guard and relaxed for a single moment, the guards would spring on him and he'd be out like a light. And yet as the minutes ticked by, nothing happened. Rome still sat leaning against the wall, legs crossed, and reading that book of hers.

He'd caught a glimpse of the title 一 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories 一 and it was like a memory had been triggered in his mind. He could briefly recall the tale, of a young girl in a nonsensical land with grinning cats and mad hatters, of a girl younger than him simply begging for him to read to her, but it disappeared from his brain the moment he tried to latch onto it. Why did this book remind him of something? Where had he heard this book? The soldier supposed he'd heard it from his past before, the past HYDRA won't let him remember, and satisfaction seems to grow in the pit of his stomach. They've taken everything from him, but they can't take familiarity from him.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been staring, but he caught himself quickly. In this light, despite her looking down, he thought her eyes looked more like emeralds than eyes. She looked rather... cute, with the way her nose would crinkle and the corner of her lips would lift themselves upward. Rome Kingsmill looked so good and sweet, nothing the world nor he deserved. This girl shouldn't be here; she should be out and living her life, exploring the world and traveling to her heart's content, and yet she was HYDRA's prisoner. Why? Why was she here?

Rome was highly aware that he was watching her. She didn't mind though. When she lifted her hand up, fingers reaching up to brush the corner of the page to turn it, she tilted her head up and locked eyes with the Winter Soldier. Realizing he'd been caught, he shifted his gaze. A devious smile grew on her lips. "Something I can help you with, Soldier?" she teased, seeing the small red bloom on his cheeks. She chuckled softly. "It's fine, I don't mind." She looked down at her book and gestured to it. "Would you... like me to read to you?"

It was subtle, she realized, but he had nodded. His lips had parted, moving but she hadn't heard the word he said. But seeing as he started to reposition himself, slowly inching his way towards her, Rome took this as her opportunity to sit closer. They had moved so their shoulders were just brushing against one another, and she realized that this was the closest the two had ever been together. Whenever she would be doing her spells, they sat arms-length away. Rome cleared her throat, hoping to stop the rising blush; he felt so warm and even though she clearly knew what he was and what he'd done, she couldn't help but think how sweet he looked.

The witch pushed her hair out of her face, placing it behind her ear. "'Down, down, down'," she read aloud, in a quiet yet clear voice. "'Would the fall never come to an end...'"

∞ ∞ ∞

For the past half hour, Rome's voice was the only thing that could be heard in the room. She'd read to him the entire time, occasionally pausing to make sure he was still awake and listening. But his attention never drifted, only remaining on her and her reading. She hadn't noticed it halfway through, but at some point, the Winter Soldier had stopped looking at the book and the words and at her. He watched as her lips moved with each word, how alight her eyes appeared. It was absolutely captivating, every second feeling more and more like bliss. Since he first woke up in this place, surrounded by these people, it'd been a living hell, but Rome brought him solace with her everyday visits. He wasn't quite sure if he could classify her as... a friend, but she was something. Rome Kingsmill was something, a good something that he wanted to hold onto and never let go of. She was like stars at night, so bright and captivating that you never wanted to take your eyes off.

When the door opened, slamming so hard it hit the back wall, Rome was quick to slam her book shut and set it beside her. The Winter Soldier was faster, moving away from her and sitting in the same spot he was at earlier. She immediately tensed when she locked eyes with Alexander Pierce. As always he wore an immaculate suit with his hands at his side. He had a hard stare focused on the pair, and while the Winter Soldier kept his eyes down, Rome continued looking on looking at him. Her arms were crossed over her chest, eyes narrowed in a defiant stare. Quickly, she darted her eyes over and saw two guards outside, both armed.

"Miss Kingsmill," Pierce said, his voice both so cold and so smooth, "a word. Now."

This wasn't a question or a suggestion, it was an order, and Rome quickly realized this. The book remained on the bed as she stood, arms dropping to her side as she stepped out of the room. She didn't spare a glance back at her soldier, not even when she took a step into the hall. The moment the door shut, locking behind her, Rome parted her lips open to speak but was cut off by the sharp pain on her cheek and her head snapped to the side.

"I thought I told you 一"

She didn't let him continue, harshly turning her gaze to lock eyes with him. "You told me," she retorted, her tone harsh, "to determine his problem. To figure out a solution and that is what I have been doing." Rome wouldn't give him the satisfaction of touching her aching cheek, but she knew it was going to bruise come morning. "I have been working nonstop for nearly two months, for hours at a time. Not only is this wearing me out and exhausting me, but I could be damaging his mind with how much work and magic I've been putting into this. I told you, magic and science don't mix well." She cleared her throat, standing taller with her chin lifted. "You forcing us to work straight for a month can make his... condition much worse. What you walked in on was nothing more than a break, and it could help me in determining his problem. Perhaps it's a memory problem, I don't know!"

Pierce's look hardened. "I'll make myself clear then," he said and gripped Rome's arm tight. "The asset, the Winter Soldier, whatever you want to call him 一 he is a weapon, nothing more and nothing less, and weapons don't get attached."

Rome ripped her arm out of his grip. She had nothing to say to him, no witty comeback, so she allowed the guards to walk her back to her room.

A/N: just to clear some things
up, all my supernatural information
concerning witches, werewolves,
and vampires will be taken directly
from tvd/originals/legacies universe

also because this is connected
to my wanda fic, there is such
a thing as soulmates however
they are incredibly rare!!

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