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Hi, it's me again, yes I do still exist, I have not died, my characters have mot miraculously come to life and killed me in my sleep, in fact I am perfectly fine.

I'm sure we've all experienced it, you reach a point in your day, week, month, year, life, when you feel like you have lost yourself, and the things you are working towards start to feel pointless, while the things you loved become chores. I fell down this hole recently, from a mixture of homesickness after returning to uni, stress, and a bit of a mess of a social life. I had to take a bit of time off from everything to really re-focus my goals; work out what I want and what I am working toward.

I did not complete Camp NaNoWriMo, although I did break 13,000 words, which was half my word count goal. I stopped about half way through, around when I stopped updating this book. 

This book is, and always will be my pride and joy, I've loved every minute of writing it so far and am sure I will love every minute hereafter. I cannot promise I will update as regularly as I have previously said for now, but I will try my hardest. As much as I want to, sometimes life just gets in the way.

Thank you to everyone who is still keen to read after my hiatus, I'm sorry I dropped off the planet for so long.

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