Chapter Seven : The Protector

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Although every year of her life had been spent preparing for this day, still Vivienne was terrified of the coronation that loomed ahead of her. The pressure of council meeting the day before had set her on edge and her friend Paddoc in whom she would usually confide, she had not seen since the previous night. She sat alone in her room, scattered around her were academic books on politics, monarchy and history which she had spent her sleepless night studying thoroughly. The room was a mess, since her mother's death only days ago, she had refused all staff entry and allowed only Paddoc to be let into her chambers.

Hours passed and Vivienne stayed splayed out on her bed, eyes closed, with readings scattered around her, listening in silence to the sounds of the castle; the scattering footsteps of maids, the clanging of uniformed knights, the groans of the old building and the whistling of the gentle wind outside.

Vivienne knew that in 24 hours she would not only be married, but be the Queen of Dreadnaught and the mere prospect brought her to the verge of tears. All she longed for in that moment was her mother, the warm, strong arms that would hold her and whisper that it would all be okay. As she laid on her bed she fingered the charm that hung around her neck: a brilliant ruby which had been her mother's. Vivienne had never known the significance of the jewel, but her mother had never been seen without it, and so upon the Queen's demise, Vivienne had requested she be allowed to take the piece for herself.

Vivienne did not know how long she had been lying upon her bed when her door swung violently open, jolting her from her moment of self pity, but the sun was high in the sky when it did. In the doorway stood Paddoc, still dressed in the black lace she had worn the day before. It was clear to Vivienne that her friend had got little sleep either, if she's slept at all.

"It's well past lunch." Paddoc frowned, eyeing Vivienne's attire; a silken night dress and matching robe.

Paddoc had always disapproved of Vivienne's laziness in the mornings, being an early riser, she was always keen to make the most out of the day. When they had been younger, Paddoc would arrive at ungodly hours of the morning, pushing the young princess out of bed and into adventure.

Though her friend usually greeted her in the mornings with cheer and excitement, Vivienne could see today that something other than the late Queen's fate was bothering her handmaiden.

"I'll dress." Vivienne stated, keen to please her friend, and so slipped behind her changing screen and donned another black gown of mourning.

As she dressed, Paddoc collapsed onto the bed, careful to avoid the books that caused great lumps both under and on top of the covers. Her sleepless night had exhausted her, though she was hesitant to tell the Princess of what she had done, let alone what she had learnt. She knew it was her duty to protect the future Queen but worried what her friend would think of her after revealing how she attained her information.

"It's not safe here." Paddoc stated plainly as Vivienne emerged, now clothed for the day, "Not safe for you."

Vivienne laughed, "What do you suggest?" She asked, "That I run away from my duties."

"Well yes." Paddoc stated, sitting up and looking at her friend, "Please." She pleaded.

"My place is here, in this castle." Said Vivienne, "My place is on that throne and I can't walk away from that, not matter what has got into your head."

Paddoc sighed and laid back down. She had known that it would take more to get the Princess to run away than a vague concern. Finally, after pondering it for a few minutes, she decided to be honest with her friend.

"The boy you imprisoned is dead." Said Paddoc, "I killed him."

Vivienne looked up in shock from the seat she had taken on the windowsill, then laughed, expecting Paddoc to join her laughter and claim her statement as a joke, but Paddoc did not, she simply stared upward at the canopy of the bed.

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