Chapter Nineteen : The Repercussion

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Since the Princess' escape the castle had been in chaos. Under the new leadership of The Bishop and Lord Darle the nobles were pleased, however their pleasure was cast under the shadow of Vivienne and the question on everyones lips; was the girl still alive?

Henry Darle sat at the head of the council table while the Bishop, to his right fiddled impatiently awaiting the arrival of the noblemen. Lord Darle, the next heir to the throne of Dreadnaught readily invited news of his cousins demise. He had adjusted well to life in the castle, having taken the role of King Regent with open arms while the men, now under his command, searched far and wide for the true ruler, Princess Vivienne.

He was confident in his success, assuming that the Princess would have been found by one of the many soldiers he had sent in search of her, for she was young and stupid with no experience living outside the castles comfortable walls.

One by one the noblemen and their representatives began to filter into the chamber and the room was dark and solemn. The doors crashed open to reveal their final guest, elegantly clothed in golden silks, was Lord Carrion. Carrion was the richest man in the kingdom, richer even than Darle, he had complete control over the vultran mines and the mountains in the North-East.

"Carrion," Said Lord Darle, "Kind of you to join us." Henry knew that his reign relied upon Lord Carrions support, for his wealth fed a quarter of the land, and so he smiled as the fat old man took his seat.

"My Lords," Lord Darle rose from his seat as he spoke, "I thank you all for being here today. I hope at least one of you can give me word of my dear cousin Vivienne."

The Bishop spoke next; "Locating the princess has been our first priority but it has been days since she was spotted on the Sovereigns Road. She slaughtered our men and left them to rot. I hope that our lords have had more luck with the girl."

Another man rose, he was young, younger even than Lord Darle and far more handsome, "We've stationed soldiers in every village in the kingdom. The moment the brat steps foot on any of our streets she will be found."

"We don't have much time to waste gentlemen," Darle stated, "There is unrest, people are growing suspicious and too many are asking why it is I who sits on the great throne. I need the girl to be found, to show the people she is dead and enforce my rule as their new King."

Lord Carrion rose, "I have sent my best navigators into the western mountains to travel the rocky pass. Judging the location of your slaughtered men it seemed the only place the girl could be. I expected them to return this morning and so I waited hours, hence my tardiness, I must apologise, but my men never arrived. I know the mountains are dangerous but these man had patrolled far more perilous peaks. I believe my men to be dead and I do not feel it was by the hand of the gods, but perhaps by that of one younger and blue blooded."

"You believe my cousin took down your men?"

"You believe your cousin took down your own."

Lord Darle laughed and shook his head, agreeing with the mans judgement.

"If my cousin is hiding in the mountains then she may never make it out. If she does I want her found and I want her head."

The Bishop grew concerned, "My Lord, there is still the issue of the people. If she comes out of hiding it may be days, even weeks before she is found. We must act before then and place you on the throne as a true King."

"The Bishop is right, without proof the Princess is dead Darle cannot be crowned," Carrion said, "But I have a solution for you. I have a girl, young, dark, beautiful. I bought her from a slaver. She was expensive, her last owner put a high price, said she looked just like the princess. Well they might not be twins but the girl is the right age and similar enough that those who have only seen pictures might believe it is her. I had fun with her but she is tired and she cries too much. I would be willing to sell her to you at a price."

"Ah," said the Bishop, "Of course it must have a price."

"The price is not much, but for years the dear late Queen pushed me out, tried to have me removed from her council. Well the council is not no longer hers and I do not want to sit on the outside like I do now. I know you only asked me here today for my wealth and that does not offend me. You, Lord Darle, and you, Bishop Avioc, are men of opportunity. Without opportunity you would not be where you are today. I also am a man such as yourselves and this is my opportunity. In exchange for the girl I wish to sit on your official council as a trusted adviser, no longer as just a rich old man."

"That is a lot to ask my Lord." Lord Darle interjected

"It is, but Lord Darle, You are a desperate man."

And so it was agreed, for the price of a place at the future King's right hand a deal was struck. Lord Carrion excused himself from the meeting to send a crow to his men and order the delivery of the pretend princess.

Despite the decision to slaughter another in place of Vivienne, the men were still desperate to find her, and so it was ordered that every man, woman and child in the kingdom would know the Princess' face. Every portrait in the castle depicting her was rounded up, though it was not a hard job as these paintings had already been removed from the walls be Darle in preparation for their destruction. They were sent out on with the kingdoms fastest riders, strapped to the back of their horses and were shown to every household in the country.

Only days later a carriage arrived and in it sat a girl of exotic beauty. Carrion had been right, Lord Darle saw the resemblance of his cousin in her instantly. He felt almost sad as they took her head but soon enough the girl was dead and the people began to spread the news that the deserter princess was no more.

It has been a while since we spent any time in the castle, hasn't it! Lord Darle and the Bishop are still up to their old tricks but what do you guys think about Lord Carrion? Who is he really serving?

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