Chapter Eleven : The Cottage by the River

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Hey hey! Long time no write.. 2 years to be exact.. BUT I think I'm back. I've made so many promises with this book and i quit writing in 2016 because this all started to feel like a chore and I had lost the love I had for this story. I move on to writing for theatre and screen, ETD was pushed aside, neglected and forgotten. It wasn't until only a few nights ago that my friend and I decided it would be funny to read my old fan fiction. That brought me back to this account where I saw this title, a shining, obnoxious sign blinking my failure and lack of dedication in my face, and so I decided that it was time to write more. Maybe I will finish it this time, maybe I won't. I started writing this book when I was 11. I am now 20 years old and maybe it won't be truly finished until I am 100. Maybe it will never be finished, but I might at well try because I truly do love this work and I have dedicated far too much to it for it just to be left flickering and unfinished. I hope I haven't lost all my readers on my hiatus and I hope you enjoy this newest chapter.

Ps. I haven't written fantasy in a very long time and I am sorry that it's a little bit rusty. Bear with me as I get back into my groove

The pair rode in silence around the outskirts of the city, past the homes and stores and merchants beginning their days in the subtle light. they rode toward the river and the forest the sheltered the westward side of the city. By the time the two reached the bank the sun was high enough in the sky for Vivienne to make out the shapes of crumbling cottages lining the shore. Paddoc stopped her horse outside one of the tiny buildings and pulled it away from the road. Vivenne followed her protectors guidance and stopped her horse out of sight. As Vivienne dismounted, Paddoc re applied the dirt rubbing on Stone's chest, being sure that the tiny diamond was completely hidden.

The inside of the cottage was even more derelict and disgusting than the exterior. Vivienne had grown up in lavish halls, sleeping on only the finest of mattresses and the best linen, eating the best food. It was quickly becoming apparent that all had now changed for her as she sat herself on the pill of straw masquerading as a bed.

"Where are we?" Vivienne asked

Paddoc began to pace the room

"What are we doing here?"

No reply

"Can't we just go home?"

Still, the girl was silent.

"Paddoc, look at me! Why won't you answer me?"

Paddoc's pacing only got faster.

"Oh for gods sake Paddoc, sit down, you're making me more anxious just looking at you." Vivienne snapped

Paddoc ignored the princess and continues her precise moments. This went on for what felt like hours before Paddoc finally ground to a halt.

"I didn't tell you the whole truth."

Vivienne looked at her blankly

"I didn't tell you everything the man of whispers said the other night. I didn't tell you because I didn't understand, but I think I'm beginning to now."

"I dont know what you mean Paddoc, but all of this is scaring me."

"Good." Paddoc withdrew an envelope from her pocket. It was crumpled and dirty after having been carried around with her for several days. She handed it to Vivienne who ripped it open. "Does that name mean anything to you?"

"No. No, i don't think so. But what does this Ber..."

Paddoc interrupted her abruptly. "Do not say the name. You never know who is listening."

"Paddoc, now you are scaring me. What is going on?"

"I was born to protect you and that's what I'm doing. That's all you need to know until I know more. What i need from you is to stay silent. You must never say your name again unless I tell you to. You must do the things I say without hesitation and you must trust me entirely. All my life Vivienne, all my life I have been trained for the day something like this happens. You must promise me you will listen always."

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