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Welcome to the second chapter! If you've made it this far, let me know what you thought of the last one! once again, constructive criticism is encouraged, I can't get better and make good stories if you don't tell me what I'm doing wrong ♥️ I try to make the chapters more that 1000 words, this one is about 1250. I hope you enjoy!
--------------------------------------------------I enter the math room, still shaking from the events that just unfolded and head to the very back corner of the class, where my bestest buddy Emily is already sitting and waiting for me. As soon as she sees me, she starts to laugh.

"What are you wearing Tay? You look ridiculous!" Emily was wearing the usual, a black shirt that said 'Im not okay' on it with some dark jeans. But I noticed she spiced it up for picture day with a red beanie.

"Yeah, ridiculously fabulous!" I posed with a hair flip. We both bursted out laughing as I sat down.

"But really thought, you look nice, your picture just won't represent who you were during sophomore year." Of course she was right. When I look at my 10th grade yearbook years from now, I'll be looking at a girl who's mom dressed her up for a picture, instead of who I am inside. I don't mind though, I intend on burning all of my school yearbooks as soon as I arrive at my cozy mountain home.

Em and I sat through the math lesson, and finally after what seemed like eighty years, the bell rang. Our picture time is right before lunch, so I had to go through two more classes before I could finally chang- Wait! Ugh I didn't bring a change if clothes. Looks like I'll be wearing this all day.

My next class is science, which I am more than halfway to when I remember that I have it with Eric Kennedy. I'm nervous, but I don't know why. He probably won't remember me, not many people do. There are some kids who I've worked with on group projects multiple times, and each time they introduce themselves and ask my name. He's probably forgotten already too.

I sit in my usual seat near the side of the classroom, not to far towards the front or the back. Eric normally sits at the very back a few rows away from me.

I'm one of the first people in The room so I'll be able to see when he enters, that puts my mind at ease a bit.

I feel like I'm obsessing over him a little too much, but at the same time, that was a lot of attention I received earlier and I don't want it to happen again. I might just have a breakdown.

I'm still trying to convince myself that I'm not crazy when the man of the hour himself enters the room. Eric scans the class before his eyes land on me. I look away quickly, trying to make it seem like I wasn't looking at him and that he has no reason to pay any attention to me. But out of the corner of my eye, I see him strolling towards this side if the room instead of heading to the back like normal.

The seat to my right becomes occupied, and I can tell it's him because of the overwhelming dominant aura radiating off of his body, along with the sudden shadow that falls over me.

I keep my eyes forward and my face straight, trying to pretend that I don't think it's a big deal that he's sitting so close to me. My shaking probably completely foils my charade as he turns to me and says quietly in his deep sexy voice "You know what? You're pretty cute."

I  feel my eyes widen. I turn to look at him slowly. "Me?" I squeak in an embarrassingly timid voice.

He chuckles deeply. "Yeah, I think I'll make you mine."
"What? Yours?" I'm confused and surprised. I don't understand what he's talking about, my mind being partially occupied by the loud voice in my head yelling 'OMG THE ERIC KENNEDY IS SITTING BESIDE YOU RIGHT NOW!! AND HE'S TALKING TO YOU!! AND HE SAID YOU'RE CUTE!!' it's kind of distracting.

"Yeah, you're mine." He smiles to himself at the thought of it, once again showing off his dimples, making my insides melt. "That means from now on no other guy's can touch you, talk to you, or even look at you. You are mine."

And with that, he gently pulls me out of my chair into his lap, where I remain, shaking slightly and pretty damn scared, for the rest of the period. I mean seriously, this is the probably the scariest man that exist currently.

The whole class he cuddles me and plays with my hair. He even whispers little things about how adorable I am. I'm blushing like a madman and I haven't missed all of the stares coming from my classmates.

I am getting a lot of attention right now, and I think I'm starting to have a small anxiety attack. I think Eric notices that my breathing is suddenly speeding up and I'm shaking harder than I was previously, because he starts gently rocking me and humming a little tune in my ear.

I close my eyes and try to focus on the sound of his voice. Surprisingly, the suffocating feeling in my chest subsides fairly quickly and soon the bell rings and second period is over.

I move to try to get out of Eric's lap, but he doesn't let me, and instead stands up with me in his arms. He carries me out of the room to our next period, an elective, drawing, after which it's finally lunch time, and picture time.

In the hall we get even more weird stares, I can't blame the people, this is probably a strange sight, but it still makes me feel incredibly self conscious.

Instead of turning down the hallway to the class, he keeps going straight and heads out of a door that leads outside to a cute, quiet sitting area at the side of the school.

I can tell he's familiar with this place because he doesn't hesitate to sit on a bench, while I didn't know this existed. I had always assumed that door lead to a closet or something.

I'm shifted on Eric's lap so that I'm looking at his amazing face, which holds a look of slight concern. "Are you okay? Was something wrong back there?"

Once again the little voice in my head comes back, this time yelling 'HE CARES ABOUT YOU!!HES WORRIED ABOUT YOU!! HE HAS DIMPLES, HES SO HOT!!'

I can't look him in the eye when I talk to him, it's a weird quirk that my parents say I should get rid of. "Yeah I'm okay, I wasn't for a second, but you helped me out." I managed to squeak in my embarrassingly shaky voice.

His eyes narrow slightly and he leans closer to my face. "You're not scared of me, are you?" He questions.

At this suggestion my eyes squeeze shut and I stutter out a very unconvincing lie. "No no, no, no" the truth is, he's very scary, and extremely intimidating.

Of course he doesn't believe me for a second, but I guess he plays along anyway. "Good" he leans forward even more and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Back to class then" he stands up, still holding me, he hasn't let go since he first picked me up, and we make our way to drawing class, I close my eyes as we enter the room, we're a couple minutes late and all the eyes are sure to be on us. He sits in the back corner and I spend that period in Eric's lap as well.
What would you do if some really hot kid suddenly showed interest in you? I don't know what I would do, but it's okay I don't have to worry about it because I'm not cute! Yaaay...

Anyway, please let me know what you thought of this chapter! I say this too much but constructive criticism is what I want! It helps me become a better writer, and I need it because I'm not good at writing.

Toodooloo Tabbycats!

By the way, I also enjoy funny comments, make me laugh!

(Also a vote wouldn't hurt anyone)

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