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Welcome to the fifth chapter! If you've made it this far, it means you've decided to stay after that disaster of a fourth chapter, which I applaud you on because that shit was boring as fuck.

On the bright side, it set the way to a new fun and exciting couple of chapters because of the injuries our heroine just acquired.

Let me know how you think I could write better so that you won't have to experience any more monstrosities like the last chapter. I'm thinking of making one in Eric's POV soon. But for now, just boring old Tay.

I hope you enjoy this one more!

I walked through the doors of the school, not very excited to return to the land of idiots. On my way to my locker, I reached up to swipe some hair from my eyes, only to knock myself in the head with my own cast. I keep forgetting its there, despite the constant weight on my right arm. my mom thinks my concussion is the reason I keep forgetting such simple, obvious things. I forget things all the time, sometimes I can't think of my own age, but now It's getting ridiculous.

I even forgot about the person who was there when this happened to me, and was with my all day before it. The guy who has suddenly taken an interest in me and has even signed my cast with a heart. I didn't think of him at all until I saw his shadow covering the lockers in front of me.

I took a deep breath as quietly as I could and turned around slowly until my eyes finally settled upon the chest of Eric Kennedy.

To my surprise, he took a step back and motioned for me to keep doing what I was doing. So I turned back to my locker and inserted the combination to open it.

The books I needed were at the top shelf. I was confused because I'm not tall enough to be able to retrieve anything from that height without experiencing the overwhelming dread that came from my fear of things falling on me. Because of this, I don't put anything up there ever, and I certainly didn't do it before I left school on the day I fell down those stairs.

I was standing there looking at the books at the top of my locker and a thought was just beginning to cross my mind that maybe Eric had collected my fallen things after he took me to the hospital and put them up here... But that thought fled rather quickly when two large hands reached out from above my head and got the books for me. I hopped out of the way to give Eric better access to the locker. I reached out for the books and started to thank him, but paused when he didn't give them to me.

Instead he turned away with my stuff still in his arms and said "your first class is math, right?"

"Umm... Yeah, I can take my own things, if its okay." I responded. He just shook his head and started walking in the direction of my math class, the crowd in the hallway parting like the read sea, and me following behind meekly.

When we reached the math class he didn't stop at the door. He walked right in, and asked me where I usually sat. I pointed to Emily, who was looking like the scream in that one famous painting. I don't remember who it's by, I take drawing class, not art history.

Once Eric had set my stuff down beside Emily, he came up to me, looking down as I looked up at him, squirming under his gaze

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Once Eric had set my stuff down beside Emily, he came up to me, looking down as I looked up at him, squirming under his gaze. He stared for a second before smirking, showing me his dimples, making my knees weak. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, whispering "I'll meet you right out side of the door when class is over. Don't go anywhere without me." and I nodded silently. I Watch him leave the room and stare at the doorway for a second after.

A throat clears itself behind me and I turn to see Emily looking at me expectantly. I stare back at her blankly for a second until she gets tired of waiting.

"What did you do while you weren't here?" she finally questioned. "I didn't see you for lunch, or the rest of the day. Or a few days after that."

"not much, I was carried around for a period or two." I paused to push my glasses up my nose, only to hit myself in the face once more with the cast. "I might have fallen down some stairs and broke my arm and got a concussion."

Emily's expression turned to concern momentarily before switching to an understanding nod. She knows how often I fall, especially down stairs. Usually it's not that big of a deal because the stairs are short and carpeted. Of course the opposite was true for the set of stairs I happened to fall down this time.

"okay... And who carried you around? How did you get to the hospital? I didn't see any paramedics outside at any time. And why is Eric" insert dramatic pause for emphasis "Freaking Kennedy walking you around and kissing you?"

Then she noticed something on my arm. "Hold on, is this his name on your cast? He signed your cast?!" Emily is we getting more and more worked up by the minute.

I opened my mouth to tell her but that's when the teacher walked in to start class so instead I leaned towards her and whispered "I'll tell you during lunch."

So we sat through math class and I waved Emily goodbye when I stopped outside the math room door. I lingered there for a minute or two, movin my feet because I'm physically unable to keep still for more that four seconds.

I was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, I was wasting my time standing there and Eric isn't coming to get me.

I didn't have much time to contemplate that thought though, because suddenly I was swept up from behind, bridal style into a strong pair of arms that I would know anywhere. Seriously, I've been through thick and thin with these arms in such a short time of knowing them. Thin being just casually carrying me around the school, and thick being carrying me to the hospital after I fell down the stairs. These were very comfortable arms, and I was starting to grow attached to them, along with the person they were connected to.

"Hello kitty, were you a good girl in there?" I looked up and saw the familiar heavenly face of Eric, looking down at me like I was the most precious kitten in the litter. It made be blush, which made him smile even more, exposing the dimples I loved so much.

Then the bell rang, signaling that the next period was starting soon, and completely ruining our incredibly cheesy moment. Eric snapped back to reality, put his straight face back on, and started waking to the drawing room for our next period.


That's it! I don't know how exciting it was, but I think it was better than the last one, at least a little bit. Tomorrow I'm gonna have a brand new, extra exiting chapter for you, it's gonna be a real doozy. I said that chapter where she fell down the stairs was dramatic, y'all will be shook.

Pretty please tell me what you thought of this chapter, did you like it? Did you hate it? Do you have any suggestions of how I can make it better? Lemme know!

Now that that's over...
Toodooloo Tabbycats!
I will see you soon...

(if you vote you get a cookie in the next chapter)

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