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Welcome to the eleventh chapter! If you've made it this far, you probably want to know what went down on Eric's side last chapter. He almost told us, but then lunch ended and no one ever found out. Except for everyone who saw, which is literally almost everybody besides Tay and Emily.

Oh yeah, you don't care about that, you just wanna see pretty nails since I'm sure you voted right? Well there you go

Oh yeah, you don't care about that, you just wanna see pretty nails since I'm sure you voted right? Well there you go

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Whoops wrong one, here's the one for the people who actually did vote

Whoops wrong one, here's the one for the people who actually did vote

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There we go, isn't that much better?

Okay, so Tay is on her way home from school right now. Of course she isn't walking there alone, 'someone' won't let her go very far without supervision these days. Without further adieu, let's get right into it, shall we?

Hmmm, actually I think I'll make this one Eric's POV.

Eric's POV

She bounced gently on my back as we walked to her house. She was still a little upset that I didn't tell her what I did to the kids who pinched her, hence why she wore that adorable scowl. She would never say it to my face though, I'm still intimidating to her, although much less than when we first met.

When reached her house, she handed me the key and I unlocked the door, stepping inside, minding my height and making sure I didn't bonk her head on the top of the doorway. Her dad was sitting in the kitchen reading the paper when we entered the room and he stood up to greet me.

Kitty jumped off my back while I shook hands with her father and she went over to the fridge. I sat down in "Her spot" at the table as she called out the options of what to eat.

We had grown into this pattern recently, her family has become very comfortable with me and have practically accepted me as one of their own, since I'm apparently never at my own house.

As always, when she asked me what I wanted, I responded with "whatever you want, kitty." and after she decided she comes to the table and I pull her onto my lap. We share the snack of the day, which happened to be grapes, and continued talking with her Dad.

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