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Welcome to the seventh chapter! If you've made it this far, you must be expecting a hot guy. Well, I can tell that a lot of you probably didn't vote, that was the agreement, so you get carrot top

 Well, I can tell that a lot of you probably didn't vote, that was the agreement, so you get carrot top

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And for the few of you who did vote, here's your hot guy

And for the few of you who did vote, here's your hot guy

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Tada. I spent a long time searching for just the right hot guy, so you better be grateful!

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, it's time to get back to the story. I want to let you guys know, I have no plan for what's gonna happen at the beginning of each chapter, and I usually end up just as surprised as you, if not more.

I don't think I mentioned this last time, but when we left our main characters, it was Friday, which makes today Saturday! Oh, and I almost forgot, I promised someone Eric's POV, (even though no one asked for it) so someone's gonna get his POV. Get ready to see the inside of his head...


When she fell into me that day in the hallway, it wasn't the first time I had seen her. However, it was the first time I decided she was mine.

She was just so cute, especially in that dress, I has many desires as I gazed into her light brown eyes. Only a few of them were sexual, most of them were protective and possessive. I didn't catch her name at first, so I gave a nickname of my own: kitty.

I'm glad she that she was in so many of my classes, that means it was easier to keep an eye on her, and it meant that I could look at her more often.

It was very easy to tell that she was clumsy and it really wasn't safe for her to be walking around without anyone to make sure she didn't get hurt. So I volunteered to do it.

I loved carrying her around, she was small and cute, maybe not the smallest in the school, but if she was any smaller she wouldn't have fit into my arms so perfectly.

Of course people were going to stare, I wasn't phased, I get the stares all the time. It didn't occur to me that she might be uncomfortable with them. In science class when she started shaking, I quickly realized she was having a panic attack. I loved the way she snuggled closer to me while I hummed into her ear to calm her down.

Bad boy's New kittyWhere stories live. Discover now