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Welcome to the fourth chapter, if you've made it this far, I'm glad you have faith that my writing will one day become good, and you'll be able to enjoy this story instead of barely tolerating it.

I'm having a good time writing this story, but I'm not sure if anyone's having a good time reading it, so if you are, please let me know, and of you aren't, please tell me why and what I could do to make my writing and my story better.

Let's see... When we last left our heroine, she was in the hospital with a broken arm and a concussion, which left her a little bit loopy and more outspoken than normal. Her mom should be arriving at the hospital soon, I think Eric is smart enough to look in her phone and call her, hopefully without snooping too much.
I woke up in a panic. I don't know why, I kind of felt like I was suffocating in my dream, even though I don't remember it too well.

I looked around and realize once again that I'm in the hospital. All of the memories from yesterday come flooding back. At least I think it was yesterday, it might be the same day, there's really no way for me to tell.

I mentally face palm thinking of the embarrassing display I put on for the hottest guy I've ever seen, not to mention the only one who's ever shown any kind of interest in me.

I mean, think about it, he was holding me all day, and he didn't let me walk at all. The one time he begrudgingly agreed to let me stretch my legs, I go crashing down a stairwell? There's a very, very small chance that he's ever going to trust me to do anything by myself again.

Don't even get me started on the way I was acting when he was in my hospital room earlier. I'm so dumb, I can't even begin to pretend to imagine what he was thinking of me!

I'm still having a cringe attack when I hear the hospital room door creak open slowly, revealing the face of my little brother, followed by my mother.

Jamie's face goes from cautious and worried to excited and relieved as soon as his eyes land on me. He shoots toward the bed and is bouncing by my side before my mom's able to say "Be careful with her Jamie!"

I'm pleasantly surprised by the sudden arrival of my family, I didn't know they were coming, I thought I would have to call my mom myself.

"Wow Tay! You really hurt yourself bad didn't you? What did you even do? Oh I remember, you fell down the stairs!" My brother starts laughing like a loon at the thought that I would injure myself in such a clumsy way, even though I fall down the stairs at home at least twice a week so it's not really that funny.

I maintain a bored expression as I wait for him to calm down. My mom takes the opportunity to talk to me about the incident.

"Honey, are you okay? I wish I was here to be with you sooner, but I only found out after lunch, when I got a call from your phone. It was the strangest thing, I picked up expecting you to tell me that you tripped and hurt your knee and you wanted me to come pick you up, because that's usually how it goes, but instead it was a mysterious sounding man telling me that I needed to get to the hospital as soon as I was able to because you were hurt for real!"

My mom tends to get chatty when she's worried, but one thing stuck out when she was yammering...

"a mysterious man? On my phone?" I asked. I didn't remember lending my phone to any mysterious strangers lately, I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Yes sweetie, it was very weird, a nameless man with a very deep voice called me from your number and told me that you've fallen down the stairs at school and you've been taken to the hospital. I brought Jamie with me in case this was an incredibly traumatic event that no one mother should go through alone, and you don't know how relieved I am that this isn't the case-"

"MOM" I interjected. I didn't want her to run out of breath and collapse. Also her story was getting a bit too fast for me to keep up with, although my concussion was probably slowing my thinking process.

By now, Jamie had finished laughing at my misfortune and started inspecting my cast, feeling the texture and checking the sturdiness by knocking.

"This is cool Tay, can I be the first to sign it?" Jamie question with bright eyes. His excitement quickly became disappointment when he gently lifted the cast.

"Can I be the second to sign it?" he amended. I looked at him, confused, before deciding to give my arm an inspection of my own. It didn't take me long to find the first signature my brother was referring to.

"Eric ♡" I was only a little surprised. By the heart more than anything else. My mom didn't take long to spot it either.

"Woah, who is this Eric? How come you haven't told me about him before? What's with the heart? Are you in a secret relationship that I don't know about? I knew you wwouldn't be alone forever!" My mom  fired question after question at me without time to answer while Jamie had found a sharpie on the hospital side table and was writing his name in the most exciting way he could on my cast.

Everything that was happening was starting to wear me out. Even in my mentality damaged state, I managed to piece together that Eric had taken me to the hospital, signed my cast, called my mom, and hightailed it out of here.

This entire ordeal has worn me out and just as I'm about to ask them to calm down, a doctor walks in and does it for me. They instantly shut up and sit in the visiting chairs while the doctor introduces himself and does a routine check of my body.

"Since you have a concusson, it is best to stay in calm, quiet environments, much like the opposite of what's going on here. It's essential to get plenty of rest since you'll tire easily and definitely don't strain your mind too much. I'll write you a note for school saying you won't have to do any hard work like math, or really any other subject. Now about your arm, don't use it for any physical labor. You can write and draw if you find a comfortable way to hold a pencil, just don't lift any furniture anytime soon.  Your entire body is bruised, of course you did fall down an entire flight of stairs, so expect a bit of soreness for a couple of days. If the healing goes well, you should be completely back to normal in about two months." The doctor monologues.

I sure hope my mom way paying attention to that because I tuned out halfway through. Not on purpose though, it's the doctor's fault for having such a monotonous voice. He tells my mom that the best time to send me back to school would be in two days and that we're allowed to leave whenever we're ready before exiting the room.

We gather our belongings and eventually head back home in a calm silence where my mom pampers me until it's time to send me back to school.
This wasn't the best chapter, but it was a necessary one to ensure that this wasn't one of those stories where she teleports home without a care in the world and everything is hunky dory. (keep in mind that I've never broken a bone or gotten a concussion so I don't really know how it goes, I'm really just guessing)

I wanna give a big thanks to @deathdreamer7 for being my first, second, third, fourth and fifth comment! You have some intense dedication for being able to make it though all of these horrible chapters, and I am endlessly grateful for it!

Please let me know what you did and did not like about this chapter and maybe give me an idea or two about what should happen when Tay gets back to school?

Toodooloo Tabbycats!
I will see you soon!

(also a vote wouldn't hurt anyone)

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