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Welcome to the third chapter, if you've made it this far, thank you, that means the first two were bearable enough for you to want to continue reading. Please tell me what you like and don't like about my writing so I can improve and you can read something actually worth reading instead of this.

Also a little birdie told me something dramatic is about to go down, and you know what that means for our shy, timid main character... Anyway enjoy!
During drawing class, I managed to make an electrocuted cat with my shaky hands, and I witnessed Eric create a perfect portrait of a beautiful girl.

When I asked him about it, he said he drew me, but that girl looks nothing like me, she's way too pretty. She has similar hair to me, and the same freckles, but overall, we don't look alike at all.

After what seemed like 20 thousand years, it's finally time for lunch, but first we gave to take pictures for picture day. There are a few photographers set up in the gym, and after I get my shot, I can get some food.

I thought I was going have freedom from Eric's powerful grip at least for pictures and lunch, but he's still holding me on the way there. I was starting to get antsy and shifting around in his arms.

"Can you please let me down for a minute?" I whisper. Eric looks at me for a minute and stops walking. His face is so intense I have to avert my eyes while I wait for his answer.

I hear his sigh and look back up at him. "fine, but only for a little bit" he grumbles. Right now we're on the second floor on our way to the cafeteria, and he lets me stretch my legs by walking down the stairs.

I guess my legs are still asleep because before my foot hits the first step, my right shoulder does, and the rest of me follows, my feet being last.

I can hear Eric yelling as I continue to tumble down the stairs, but all I can think is 'Wow, I probably should've stayed inside my house.'

I lay at the bottom of the stairwell for a good second and a half of numbness before the intense pain starts. I want to yell but can only whimper as a couple of tears slide down my cheeks. I see black, then white, then the face of an angel, who upon further inspection I recognize to be Eric.

The pain increases momentarily when Eric picks me back up, and I cry out once more. He might be saying something, but I can only hear very loud circus music.

The pain has faded to low pulse all over my body save my head and my right arm. I can't seem to move my arm at all, which I think means something about my health... I'm unable to think of what it is at the moment.

My brain is playing a dream like slideshow in a old fashioned theatre that features pictures of Eric's chin, the ceiling, a partially cloudy sky, a shiny black pickup truck, the backseat of a car (which lasted quite a while), Eric's chin again, and finally, the face of a sweet old lady in a lovely white outfit. In that order. Then the slideshow was over and the theater went dark.


I was awoken by the dull throbbing in my head. When I opened my eyes to a very harsh bright white room, the slight discomfort multiplied into actual throbbing pain. I groaned out and suddenly there was a tall, dark figure by my side.

My vision was still a little blurry, and when it cleared up, I found myself in a hospital room, laying in the bed. The next thing I noticed was a purple cast on my right arm. It's a nice shade, I'm happy I got this color, but why do I have it? Why am in this hospital bed right now?

I look to my left and jump at the sight of Eric Kennedy beside my bed. He looked like he was in deep thought so I cleared my throat to get his attention. I saw his shape move to me side when I first woke up, but It's weird that he had drifted into his own world seconds after standing up to greet me.

"How do you feel Kitty?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth. I noticed the nickname he gave me, but I couldn't remember for the life of me if this was the first time he's called me that.

I felt really weird actually.I'm slightly lightheaded and my limbs Feel slightly numb. I looked down at the hospital sheets and find that I'm wearing a purple cast on my arm. I really like this shade, it's nice and pastel, it's very cute. I wonder why I'm wearing a cast...

I heard a deep voice call out to me "Kitty? After you okay?"

"Huh?" I looked up and found Eric standing next to me. I had the strangest feeling of deja vu, but I pushed it away and answered his question.

"I think I'm alright. I feel weird thought. I feel lightheaded... Oh! When did this cast get here? I like the color" I lay back down on the hospital pillow before realizing something and shooting back up

"Am I in the hospital? Why do I have this cast? Is there something wrong with me?!" I start to panic and hyperventilate. My increased breathing rate causes me to go lightheaded again and I feel my head start to wobble before a strong arm wraps around my shoulders. A strange calm rest over me and I turn to see the arm belongs to Eric, when did he get here?

"it's OK baby," he cooed. "You took quite a nasty spill on the stairs earlier, I had to bring you to the hospital. You have a broken arm and a mild concussion, but the doctors said you'll be fine."I have a broken arm? I look down and see the cast on my right arm. "that's the last time I let you walk down any stairs by yourself" I hear him mutter.

"oh, it's a pretty color."

Eric chuckles and gently learns me back onto my hospital pillows. "get some rest kitty, we can talk more later." I agree only because my eyes are starting to get droopy.

"OK, nighty" I gush as I close my eyes. My dream consists of hot chocolate and Christmas hats even thought it March.


And so ends another exciting chapter of Tay's life. She seems to be having some sort of short term memory loss, probably from her concussion. I hope that doesn't last, or this will. Be a very slow and repetitive book.

Did you like the drama? When that birdie told me there was gonna be some, I expected some kind of social conflict, but then I realized that Tay is way to shy to start any drama, and even if some was started on accident, the person would back down as soon as they say Eric, which would lead to a very boring and anticlimactic chapter.

As always, let me know if you liked this chapter, and tell me if I made any spelling or grammar mistakes, constructive criticism is very helpful for a young writer like me, it helps me improve!

I made quite a few references in chapter, some more obvious than others, a couple for my own amusement when I read back over this story in the future. Shout very loudly if you think you find one.

Toodooloo Tabbycats!
I'll see you soon...

(also a vote wouldn't hurt)

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