Go to sleep love (a jeff the killer romance)

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It was pouring rain outside, and I was extraordinarily relieved I decided against going on that walk with my older brother mark. I get up from the couch an walk to the kitchen humming smells like teen spirit by nirvana. "Mom I'm going to make hot cocoa for Mark!!! Okay?." I yell, collecting hot cocoa supplies. "Ok honey, don't burn yourself!"

I snort, I've been cooking since I was ten, that's seven years! And I've only burnt myself twice! Sadly it was in the same day. I hear the door creak open and glance over my shoulder. "Hmm, did you go for a swim, or did you fail at fishing?" I asked, focusing on stirring the hot beverage in my hands. Mark snorts, "I was actually doing my job as a water prostitute...."

I laugh and handed him his hot cocoa. "Go fuck some hot cocoa then!" He snorted into his drink. "Very well then..." He started to slowly take his shirt off while raising one single red eyebrow. "Please don't have sex with your hot cocoa in front of your sister..." Mom sighed as she walked by the kitchen. "No promises!!" He yelled after her.

"Thanks for making me hot cocoa Allie." Mark said after he finally drunk his beverage. "So, do you have any homework?" He asks, smirking. Fuck. I stand up so fast my chair falls over. "Whoa Allie, won't accidentally murder Mr. Chair!!" He giggles. I glare at him and flip him off. "Love you too lil sis!!" I snort and grab my converse. "Yeah, I'll pass the message on to your 'boyfriend'" Mark blushes, "sh-shut up!!"

I laugh and put my shoes on, "I bet you would just love to have him kiss your neck, and slide his hands down to your co-" Mark interrupted me, "you're very lucky you're my sister, fuck face. "But you admit that you like him." Mark blushes a deeper shade of scarlet, "y-yeah so what!!" I smile, "I just hope he feels the same!" And with that I run out towards Cassidy's house

When I finally get to her house, I've decided that my lungs found a way to leave my body and run away. I collapse in exhaustion outside her front door. I twist myself around and start mindlessly banging on the door. I hear muffled voices and a lot of arguing, but I can't help myself from chuckling at my friends family. I lean against the door right as Cassidy's older brother opens it.

"Fucking marshmallow monkeys!!!!" I scream as I topple backwards onto Evan. "Allie you are the strangest person to ever walk this planet." I smile up at him. "You know you love it though!" He laughs and pulls me up, "but you are aware that I'd much rather be in your brothers p-" "Lalalalalala!!!! I don't need to know this!!!" I sing putting my hands over my ears.

Cassidy came down and smirked, "you two finally together?" Evan laughed, "I'm gay, sis. G-A-Y!!!" We all laughed. "Allie, I did the whole assignment already!! So if you want you can go home. Well, you should because we're leaving in a few hours for our trip." I nodded, "I'll miss you Cass!!! Text me when you land!!" She nodded as I left.

Later that evening I was sitting in the living room watching a horror film. "What the HELL!!! Why... WHY WOULD YOU JUST RUN DOWNSTAIRS INTO THE FLUBBING BASEMENT, YOU DAMN FUCKING DILL PICKLE IN MY BROTHERS DICK!!???!?" I screamed at the tv.

The phone rings so I get up and answer it. "Hello?" A ask, sounding slightly pissed. "Lemme guess, you're watching a horror movie and someone just did something stupid." I hear Evan say on the other side. "Yep. I mean, who goes down to the FUCKING BASEMENT?!?!?!" I shriek into the phone. "Anyways, what's up?" I hear a hesitation. "I-i really like uh y-your brother..." I mentally awed at this. I put the phone to my chest, "MARK GET YOUR LAZY ASS DOWN HERE!!!" I screamed at him. "FINE YOU FUCKNUGGET!!" He screamed back.

I put the phone back to my ear, "what have you done now Allie..." I hear Evan squeak. I see Mark come down the stairs, "don't worry Evan!!" I handed the phone to Mark and smiled.

I see Marks face go scarlet and a smile stretch across his face. "YES!!!!" He screamed into the phone. After a couple minutes he hung up and ran over to me. "Iloveyousoverymuch!!!" He squealed while hugging the death out of me. "So does my gay bro have a new boy toy?" I ask waggling my brows suggestively. He blushed and nodded.

We say good night and I walk upstairs to my room. I grab a large t-shirt and some basketball shorts and put them on. I walk to my bathroom and Grab my toothbrush. I start brushing my teeth and look in the mirror to stare at my reflection. Large, tired, green doe eyes stared back. I look at my pale skin and realize it's practically flawless. No freckles or moles. I have extremely Long eyelashes and Arched eyebrows that where delicate looking. Full lips and long. Frizzy. Red. Hair. I hate my hair. I braid my hair so It looks decent enough.

When I turn around there's a man standing there. Uhh what the actual fuck. "Sir if your looking for your house this is not fucking it." I growl. Then I realize his white hoody has blood stains on it, and that he's holding a knife. My eyes widen slightly, "uh, s-sir, may I ask you to put the knife away...?"

"Oh dear. Are you afraid? How cute." He mocks in a quiet and deep voice. "W-what do you want?" I stutter. "Oh thanks for asking. I want you to. GO.TO.SLEEP!" He raised his knife and started towards me slowly. I took in a deep breath and gathered all the courage I could muster. "Okay." I pulled back my covers and slid into my bed. The man stopped moving. "What the hell are you doing?!?!" He hissed at me. I raise a brow, "I'm 'going to sleep' if you'll excuse me." The man pulled his hood away from his face, and what I saw shocked me.

His face was freakishly pale, he actually had a kind of sick look to his skin coloring. He looked like he was wearing a shitload of eyeliner but then I realized he didn't even have eyelids. The weirdest and creepiest thing was his smile. It had been carved into his face. Somehow, he managed to look confused."your not afraid." He said so quietly, it was almost a whisper. "Whatever, I need my rest can you leave?" I said with false bravado. He walked into the bathroom muttering something to himself. Somehow, I actually do manage to fall asleep:

After awhile I feel something cold on my face and feel my self rocking back and forth. I open my eyes to see trees pass by, and the freakish mans face. My eyes widen and start screaming. The man looks down at my with a look that tells me to shut up. And I do. "C-can you let me d-down?" I ask hesitantly. He looked at me and smiled, "nope." Wooooow. "Fine then. Why not?" I ask annoyance filling me up. "Because I don't wanna." He said simply. "Ego much?" I mutter to myself. I hear him chuckle. Damn he heard me. "Just... Go to sleep Allie." And that's what I did.

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