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allies pov

I went to bed a little uneasy, something about the atmosphere around Jeff changed... he's actually... nice. I know I know he's supposed to be the person I hate and all that, but he isn't being a jackass and he seems sorry for murdering my family. maybe I should just forg- "NO!" I yell at myself jumping up off my bed. I start slapping my head as though to get the thought out of my head. I hear a throat being cleared and look to the door. A strange guy stood at my door. he had dark grey hair pale skin and the scariest thing, freakin blood red eyes.

 "hello Allison its nice to finally meet you." he said shoving his hand towards me. "uh yeah ok. who exactly are you?" he chuckled, "I'm Chaos." I cocked my head, "umm interesting name... Chaos." he stopped smiling and frowned. "Jeffry wants to see you." I scowled. "tell him im to tired and just because he's being nice to me doesn't mean ill see OR talk to him in the middle of the night. got that?" he nodded, his hair falling over his eyes lowering the creepiness level by 75%.

   I slammed my door shut after Chaos left. great ANOTHER creep to live with. I wandered over to my bed and climbed in. someone started knocking on my door softly. I ignored them pretending to be asleep. the knocking turned into pounding then into the sound of someone kicking the door. at least I locked my door after chaos left. all of a sudden my door bursts open and there stands a angry Jeff and a bored looking Chaos. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT MESSAGE FOR ALLISON?!?!?!?!?!!?!?" I sigh, "Chaos said you wanted to see me, soooo that's my response." Jeff frowned "I never told Chaos I wanted to see you." Chaos steps forward, "if you must know, it is quite obvious that you love Allison Jeffry."

   I laugh. I laugh so hard tears stream down my face and I have to clutch my stomach due to the cramping my laughter caused. after I stop laughing I look up at Jeff whose looking at me clearly amused but I can see a little sadness in his eyes. "good one Chaos." he cocks his head confused. "I was telling the truth." I look at Jeff, "is this true Jeff?" he looks down and mumbles something. "what?" he looks up blushing,"umm maybeitisornotmaybeiloveyouwellidobutidontexpectyourlovebackbecauseikilledallyourdearones!!!" he yelled really fast but I understood every. single. word of it.

  "jeff I... I... just leave me alione for a while ok?" he nods and runs out of the room punching Chaos in the stomach on the way out. I return to my bed finally in peace. so Jeff loves me. oh dear lord, help me.

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