Chapter 3

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Jeff's pov (continued)

Shit. Double shit. She ran away? How did she manage that? I look around and notice glass on the kitchen floor... Damn she's smart. I give her credit for that. Hmm, no blood how did she break the window? Then I notice the fire extinguisher on the counter next to the window. Oh wow. I actually paid for that. She. Is. Going. To. Pay.

Jumping out the window I look around. Ooh. She probably decided to go "home". Ha! I had a home for her, she just didn't take it. I decide to go try to find her house again. Sadly I kinda sorta forgot where it was. Oops. I see smile dog and grin.

"Hey buddy can you track down a girl for me?" He nodded. I give him what he needed and he starts racing through the trees. We ended up in the neighborhood I was just in. I hear a ear piercing scream. I wince, so does smile dog. I run to the house it came from. The house I killed the family in. I burst through the doors and run up the stairs to see Allie curled up I a little ball sobbing in front of the adults room.

She sees me and shrieks, "YOU HORRIBLE MONSTER!!!! YOU UGLY. HORRID. THING!" She looks at me rage consuming her face. Then she gasps. "Mark" she whispers. She runs to his door. She closes her eyes and opens the door.

Allies pov

I open the door, hope filled my chest like a balloon. It deflated. And so did any ounce of happiness or love I ever had. I was drained raw of good emotions. Filled with grief and fury I turn to jeff, "y-you bastard!" I say coldly through gritted teeth, trying not to throw up because of the display of my brothers ripped up, bloody, and cut up body. I take a bat out of my brothers room and charge.

I swing the bat at him but he doges quickly, he ran around me, furious I throw the bat and hear a dull 'thunk'. I look up to see the bat hit jeff in the stomach. "You deserve worse than that." Is all I say to him. I walk down the stairs and to the phone. I dial 911, "hello this is 911 what is your emergency?" I tell her the story... The WHOLE story. I was just finishing up when jeff cut the phone line looking pissed. He raised his knife above his head and yelled, "GO TO SLE..." The door opened and a short blond boy with a lot of green walks in.

Jeff glares at him, the kid looks up. I gasp god something is wrong with his eyes! "Ohh this is occupied? Oops sorry jeff. Enjoy!" With that he turns around. "WAIT!" I shrieked. "Yes?" He said looking at me. "Help me please." I say desperately. "He looks at me to jeff to me to jeff and so on. "Eh nope." With that he leaves. I sigh. Jeff looks at me in wonder. I punch hi really hard in the stomach, but he barely flinches.

I push him out of my way and run to the door. But a dog with a smile is blocking it. "MOVE DAMN DOG!" I say jumping over it. I run to my neighbors house and pound on the door. "What is it dear?" The neighbor asks. "My family was murdered and he's still in my house!" I sob. She pulls me into a warm hug. "Shh dear, shh it's ok. It's ok."

I'm at the airport a couple hours later. My neighbor Rosie, recommended I go elsewhere so he won't know where I am. I board the plane nervous. I am terrified of heights. I sit in my seat and notice I'm sitting next to a quite attractive man. He looks up and smiles at me, "hello I'm max." He says offering his hand. I shook it and smiled back, "I'm Allie, pleasure to meet you max." He just smiled more. "No, the pleasure is all mine." I look him over, he seems to be tall, with dark reddish brown hair, more brown, and kind golden brown eyes. He also had a light tan. "So where are you going?" He asked startling me. "Oh uhh, I'm going to lacey." I say shyly. "Sweet me too!" We exchange numbers as we get off the plane. Home sweet home.

A/N hmm I find this chapter too boring to edit at the moment.... If yall have advice on this chapter, I would absolutely adore to hear it!!!
Love you all!!
Xoxo sanity👻

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