Chapter 3

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I woke up next to an awake Harry, watching TV. I sat up yawning, and he looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Uh, Niall was looking for you." He said, still not looking at me.

"He can wait." I chuckled, stretching.

"He said its really important." He replied harshly.

"Oh... okay I guess I'll see you later." I muttered, standing up and walking towards the door avoiding him. "Bye." I said, but got no reply. "Well fuck you too." I said under my breath, slamming the door shut. Someone woke up on wrong side of the bed today.

I sighed opening the door to Niall's flat.

"Niall!" I called out.

"In my room!" He yelled back. I groaned walking through the many halls, opening the door to his room. I saw him sitting on his couch, eating cheese puffs intently watching a film on TV.

"So what did you need me for that was so important," I said, plopping down and taking a cheese puff from his bag.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking over at me raising an eye brow.

"Harry told me that you were looking for me when I fell asleep." I stated, tilting my head side ways.

"What? No I wasn't looking for you," He said like I was crazy. That bastard.

"What are you watching." I asked, rather angry.

"Step brothers, funniest movie ever!" He laughed, pulling his phone out. I groaned as he took a picture of the TV, posting it on instagram.

"Do you post everything you do on that damn app." I snapped.

"I figured my fans would want to know what I'm doing now that tour is over. And what's crawled up your bum?" He questioned.

"I'm inviting Logan over." I replied, walking out of his room before he could protest.

I just wanted to spend sometime with Logan, bring my common sense back. I probably just missed Logan that I though I had mixed feelings towards Harry. Yeah, that's it.

To: Logann <3

From: Abigail <3

Hey babe, I miss you! Are you busy? If not then come over to Niall's. It's flat number '625'. Text me back when you get this. xx

Satisfied with my text, I sent it to him. I let out a breath, plopping down onto Niall's couch in the living room.

To: Abigail <3

From: Logan <3

Yeah I'm defiantly coming over. I miss you so much baby, haven't seen you since school on Friday. I was actually out on that side of town anyway, so ill be there in any minute now. Love you. xox

I read his message and smiled. He still had that effect on me. I hopped up rushing to the guest room that was soon to be mine. I entered the bathroom in there, looking at my reflection of myself in the mirror.

My makeup free face bothered me, but this was just Logan. I sighed swiping my hair up into a messy bun multiple times. Lets be honest here, those bastards are hard to make. Once I was satisfied with the way my bun looked, I exited the bathroom, deciding to stay in my black sweat pants and Beetles' shirt. I slid socks onto my cold feet, and put my red juicy jacket on leaving it unzipped.

"Niall why is your house so god damn cold!" I yelled, shivering as I set up the blankets in 'my room'. It's October in London with out any heat!

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