Chapter 4

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•••Abigail's P.O.V•••

I groaned wiping my eyes clean of the tears, standing up for the first time in about 2 hours. My legs were a bit wobbly at first, but I managed.

Do they really think I would do that, and in my brothers house? No, we weren't even kissing it was just to get them out of my room. I'm not a baby anymore either.

Them Harry has to go and be an ass lying when he obviously knew that wasn't the case.

"Abbey?" Someone called from outside my door.

"Go away!" I sniffed.

"It's Zayn, let me in please." He begged. I sighed walking over and opening the door. He slid in closing the door behind him. "I talked to the boys." He said, looking at his hands.

"What'd they say?" I asked, since Zayn was the only one who knew what really happened.

"They don't believe me. They just say 'Your lying just because you like Logan!', stuff like that." He muttered, obviously as annoyed as me.

"They're so unfair." I whispered, my bottom lip quivering.

"Aw babe." Zayn cooed, pulling me into his warm chest. "Don't take it personal, they love you and I guess they just don't want you doing anything you'll regret later on." He stated, rubbing my back.

"But Zayn, I didn't even do anything." I muttered, letting my tears fall.

"I know sweetie, I know." He soothed me, whipping away my tears with his thumbs. "Come on," He picked me up, walking over to the bed. He laid me down on it, pulling the blanket over my legs before running over to the TV. He put something into the DVD player, rushing back over laying down next to me.

"What are we watching?" I asked as he fast forwarded through the commercials at the beginning of the movie.

"Big Mama's House. It's hilarious." He chuckled, draping his arm over my shoulder, pressing play, he started the movie.

•••After The Movie•••

"That was... interesting." I laughed looking over at Zayn who could barley keep his eyes open.

"It's my favorite movie." He smiled sleepily. I chuckled at his attempt to stay awake before going over and laying my head on his lap. "Your tired too?" He yawned.

"Yeah, it's pretty late to be fair." I replied reading the clock that said '11:47pm'

"Then I better get back to my flat." He mumbled starting to stand up.

"No, your staying here." I scolded, pulling him back down and snuggling into him again.

"Okay, but move over here." He said pulling me under the covers next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I buried my face into his side, sighing in relief. "Goodnight Abigail." He muttered, rubbing my back lightly.

"Goodnight Zayn." I mumbled back, falling asleep quickly as he soothed me.

••• Harry's P.O.V •••

(Before Zayn went to talk to Abigail)

"Niall cut her some slack, Harry's not telling you what happened." Zayn told Niall.

"Why would I lie about that!" I snapped back at him, lying through my teeth.

"You tell me!" He shouted back.

"Shut the fuck up Malik." I snarled.

"You shut the fuck up." He spat.

"Your just sticking up for her because you're like, in love with her or something." I laughed, when it was actually the other way around.

"You better shut your smart ass mouth before I do it for you." He growled.

"Your always telling me how obsessed you are with her too, how much you want to kiss her and touch her." I smirked, talking more about myself then him.

"What are you trying to pull of Harry, I'm engaged to the girl of my fucking dreams I don't need anyone else so I don't know where you got that bull shit from!" Zayn screamed as Liam restrained him from getting any closer to me.

"Zayn calm down!" Liam yelled trying to hold him back, which wasn't working very well.

"Harry lets go." Louis came over to me, dragging me out of Niall's apartment. We headed down the hall to Lou's and sat down in there. "What's going on?" He asked. "I know when something's going on with you, your my bestfriend Haz and if something's bothering you I need to know what it is." He stated, placing a reassuring hand on my knee.

"I messed up big time Lou," I sighed placing my head in my hands, tugging at my curls.

"What happened bud." Louis patted my back, encouraging me to say something.

"I'm still in love with her." And when I said this, I knew it was true. I still loved her, and I think I always will.

"Oh god Harry," He groaned. "Your kidding me right?"

"I wish I was." I sheepishly admitted.

"Harry I honestly think that you're just confused with everything right now." He replied.

"No Louis, I really love her." I protested. "I love her so much that jealously always takes over me and I don't know what I'm saying or doing half of the time. I love her so much that she's the only thing that's ever on my mind and all I can ever think is that maybe I do have a chance. Maybe she still does love me more then she loves Logan. Maybe she thinks of me as much as I think of her. Maybe she gets jealous when it comes to me too. But that's my problem, maybe. It's always a maybe. But I need to know, is it a yes, or is it a no. I don't want to waste my time always thinking about it, but I can't get myself to ask her. Because when you have a maybe, no is also an option. And I don't know what I would do if it is a no, I'd have nothing to live for Louis." I finished taking a deep breath in, blinking away some tears that were about to fall.

"Harry...." He said looking down. "I didn't know you loved her that much."

"Neither did I." I mumbled, rubbing my temples.

"Well, then you have to go after her." Louis smiled at me. I smiled back at him jumping onto him and giving him a hug.

"Thank you so much Lou, this really helped." I whispered.

"Your secrets safe with me." He chuckled, letting go of me. "Now I think you have an apology to make." And with that, I dashed out of his flat.



I'm really sorry Ill try and update quicker next week.

I love you.

- jc. x

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