Chapter 5

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•• Harry's P.O.V ••

What do I say, what do I say, what do I say.

I chanted in my head as I paced around my flat, thinking out what to say in my head. No matter what I do I think she's still gonna be pissed. Maybe I should just wait for everything to die down, it won't take long right? I mean, this is Niall were talking about. He's all about the care free life, and 'crazy mofos' shit. He should be over it by the end of this weekend. So what if she was kissing it, that's what couples do. Even though she wasn't even kissing him. And yes I've decided to call Logan an it because I have a strong disliking for him.

Ugh, what did I do. She's gonna hate me! See I like her- wait scratch that, love her so much, that I can't even control my jealousy! If this keeps going on, I won't know what to do. Niall will kill me if he finds out that I love his little sister. Maybe he is a little to over protective, I just hope Louis will try and cover up for Abigail now that he knows what really happened. That's without telling them the whole story.

And then my phone started to ring. I groaned rushing over to my couch where my phone laid, answering it before even looking at the ID.

"Hey Harry!" I heard from the other side of the phone, immediately recognizing the voice as Kendall Jenner.

"Hi Kendall." I sighed in relief, finally being able to talk with someone I was actually close with.

"You up to anything today?" She asked.

"Not really, I was just gonna stay in. I have a lot to think about." I said.

"Me too, all this stuff is really getting to my head." I heard her groan.

"How about you come over and we can stay in together today." I suggested, smiling even though she couldn't see me.

"That'd be great Harry. Ill be over in about 30 minutes, I just have to change out of these god damn jeans." She laughed, making me laugh.

"Okay Kendall, I'll see you soon babe." I chuckled.

"Bye Harry." I heard her chuckle also before hanging up.

I started to clean up my flat a bit, moving things here and there making it look somewhat presentable. I also put a bag of food out on the coffee table.

A knock on my door stopped me from cleaning. I walked over to the door, swinging it open.

"Hi Harry." Kendall said, giving me a small wave.

"Hi Kendall." I laughed pulling her into a friendly hug. "Come on in." I smiled at her moving to the side. She thanked my stepping in and taking a seat on the couch. I sat done across from her on the other sofa.

"So what's up?" She asked, popping a pretzel into her mouth.

"You remember that girl, Abigail right?" I asked, fiddling with my thumbs.

"Yeah, she's cute." Kendall laughed.

"Well, I've kinda had feelings for her. It's been going on for a while, but I fucked up." I admitted, pulling at my hair. "What can I do, she won't even talk to me." I groaned.

"I have an idea!" Kendall shouted, smirking.

•• Abbeys POV ••

"Abigail babe, wake up." Zayn said shaking my sleepy body.

"I'm tired go away," I mumbled, pulling the blanket over my head.

"It's already noon! Lets do something." He whined, hitting me with a pillow.

"No," I groaned.

"Pleaseeee!" He continued to whine.

"Fine!" I shouted pulling the blankets off my body and standing up. "Happy?" I teased, walking past him and out the door.

"Very!" He chirped following behind me.

"Wait Zayn, can we go to your apartment I'm not exactly in the mood to see Niall." I pleaded.

"Yeah, come on." He smiled, taking my arm and leading me out of Niall's flat, and down the hall to his. He slipped his key into the door knob, twisting the door open. I walked in first as he shut the door behind him.

"Your house is nice," I grinned, looking at the paintings that were scattered all over the walls.

"Thanks, I did it all myself with spray paint." He proudly stated as I outlined one of his drawings with my index finger. "You hungry?" He asked, walking into the kitchen.

"A bit yeah," I replied, walking into the kitchen after him.

"Waffles?" He chuckled, holding up a bag of waffle mix next to his smiling face.

"Yesss!" I laughed also.

"I'll make them for, you just go take a seat in the living room. The tv remote should be on the coffee table." He called to me as I walked away.

"Okay, thank you!" I called back. Plopping down on the couch I put my feet up on the table and switched the tv on. Flipping through the channels, I found that Spongebob was playing. I continued to watch, bored out of my mind.

"Zayn you here!" Someone shouted, followed by the front door shutting. Looking over at the door, I saw Harry. I looked away quickly continuing to watch Spongebob and Patrick goof around. "Abigail," He sighed going over to stand in front of the television.

"I was watching something," I stated rather harshly.

"I know, but we need to talk." He said, stating the obvious.

"I don't wanna talk," I spat, venom laced in my words.

"I already told Niall I was lying," He admitted. "So I wanted to come and apologize. I didn't know how childish that was of me. It's just I got a bit, erm jealous?" He replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Jealous of what?" I asked him.

"Well, you and me barley spend anytime together. We used to do everything with each other. But now that were back home you seem less interested in me." He pouted. Laughing I stood up, going to wrap him up in a hug.

"I could never not care about you Harry, I love you too much." I told him.

"I love you too!" He enthused, his arms going around me also. "So, were good?" He question, pulling back to look at me with his emerald eyes.

"We're perfect," I smiled up to Harry, knowing that the feelings I used to have for him were rising again.


Woah I haven't updated this in forever, really sorry about that guys.

I'm gonna update more now though.

I am just trying to boost my grades in school up because I'm not doing so well.

Anyways, comment and vote because I update quicker when you do. Just a little hint. ;)

I looove you!

- jc. xx

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