Chapter 7

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"Abbey, hurry the hell up!" Niall called to me, as I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm getting dressed!" I called back, as I continued to slip on my shorts over my bikini bottoms.

The boys and I have decided to go to a water park for the weekend, and stay at a hotel by the beach. Just a nice weekend down by the shore, getting away from the drama at home.

(A/N I know that it's pretty much cold everywhere in England during the winter, but this is a story, remember that.)

I put my feet into my vans, bending over to tie the laces. Once finishing that, I took one last look in the mirror. Pulling my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head. I had a loose muscle-tee over my bikini top.

I quickly grabbed my small purse, slipping it over my shoulder so that it laid on my waist. I ran out of my room and down the steps in a flash, making sure I made it to the car before they left me here. Which I know for a fact, that they would.

I put my phone in my back pocket, before stepping out the front door of the boys apartment complex. Looking around, I noticed Liam's red BMW. Making my way over to it, one of the doors slid open. It revealed Zayn and Louis, along with Niall and Liam who sat in the front seats. And I'm guessing Harry was in the way back.

"Took you long enough," Louis teased as I slid into the car.

"Yeah yeah," I mocked him, taking a seat in the way back with Harry.

"I'm so tired." Harry groaned, tossing and turning as he tried to get comfortable.

"Take a nap, the hotel is about three hours away. It's gonna be awhile before we get there." Liam told us. Harry mumbled a 'thank god' before trying to get comfortable again. Then he finally decided to lay down with his head in my lap, looking up at the celling.

"Because I love when people lay in my lap," I joked around, beginning to run my fingers through his hair.

"That's why I did." He smirked, closing his eyes. I just continued to play with his hair, which was surprisingly super soft.

"Can you turn on the radio?" I asked.

"Sure," Niall yawned, reaching over and turning on the radio. 'Timber' started playing throughout the car, making everyone groan. Laughing, Niall reached over again and changed the station. Then 'Drive' by Miley started playing. We kept on that song, everyone going back to what they were doing earlier.

Looking down at my lap, I noticed that Harry had fallen asleep. I chuckled lightly, before reaching my hand to outline his facial features. I outlined the abstract crease of his jawline, and the lines on his forehead. Before outlining the fullness of his pink lips.

"You know I'm still awake right." He mumbled sleepily, smiling lazily. "But that doesn't mean you have to stop." He opened one eye to peer up at me, and I gave him a small laugh before continuing to trace his cheek bones.

"For a boy, your skin is really soft." I told him, still laughing.

"I know." He smirked, eyes closed. I smiled at him, even though he couldn't see me.

I then decided to put my headphones in, the song 'Rhiannon', by Fleetwood Mac began to play. Satisfied with the song, I closed my eyes also. I tapped my fingers to the beat of the song on the leather seat.

And with Harry laying in my lap, I fell into a deep sleep.


"Guys! Come on!" I yelled to them, kicking up the sand with my feet as I ran.

"Slow down Abigail!" Harry laughed, running after me. And following behind him were the other boys.

But once I reached the shore, I stopped running. While I tried to catch my breath, I turned around and noticed that the boys weren't there anymore.

"Guys?" I called out, just now noticing that the beach was empty for miles. And the only building that was in my eyes reach, was a little shack.

I began to walk closer to it, maybe the boys went in there. Except the closer I got, the more I had fear rise inside me. Slowly, once I reached the cabins door, I pushed it open.

"Hello?" I called out, waiting for a reply. But I didn't get one. "Niall?" I continued to walk inside, the floor creaking as I did. There was one long hallway, leading down to a door. But besides that, everywhere else was empty. As I began to walk down the hall, the front door was slammed shut, almost falling off its hinges. I let out a loud scream, covering my ears with my hands. "Guys! This isn't funny!" I cried.

I stood still for a few seconds, making sure nothing else was gonna happen. When I was sure that I was safe, I started to walk down the hall again. My hands were bunched up at my sides, my breathing fast and heavy.

Once I finally reached the door, I placed my hand on the rusty handle. Slowly, I pushed the metal down waiting for the click. Once the knob was all the way down, I pushed the door open quickly. Yet, there was nothing there. Just an old wooden chair, already falling apart. I sighed, placing my hand over my heart. I backed up, making sure to close the door.

Then I turned around, and screamed. I screamed bloody murder at the sight in front of me. My heart was beating rapidly as I fell backwards, and tried to get away.

I tried to get away from the dead bodies, of the people I love. Louis, Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Niall. All dead. They were hung from the celling, blood dripping out of their mouths and noses. Along with the large puddles of blood that sat under their bodies on the floor. Their clothes were torn, and covered with blood. Their chests were punctured with metal bars, the main source where all the blood was coming from.

All the people I love, dead.


"Holy shit!" I gasped, my eyes springing open.

"Language!" Liam yelled back to me.

"Are you okay?" Harry breathed, both of his hands on the sides of my face.

I looked around, noticing that I was still seated in the back of the car. It was all a dream, thank god. Except it seemed so real, horribly realistic. Most of the time, I know that I'm dreaming when I am. I've never not known that I was asleep.

"Just a bad dream," I whispered, my voice cracking.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked softly, stroking my cheek with his thumb. Which made me realize that our faces were merely an inch apart.

"Not right now," I mumbled, pulling away from him. "How much longer till we get there?" I changed the subject.

"You were asleep for a pretty long time, we'll probably be there in twenty minutes." Niall told me from the front. I nodded, leaning back into the seat.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Harry spoke, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"I'm fine, just thinking. That's all." I lied, looking up and giving him a reassuring smile. He returned one, putting an arm around my shoulder.


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