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Lunging towards me, Macy jumped onto the bed. Gripping my shoulders, she began to bounce up and down excitedly. "Get your arse up sleepy head!" Shaking me harder she began to tug at my arms. Looking down to the sheets covering my lower body, I gripped her forearms abruptly.

"Mace did- fuck did you put these on me." I all but stammered, fastening my hold enough to make her wince. Blinking down at the sheets she shrugged-shaking her head, no, before looking around the room. Raising an eyebrow, her lips pouted suggestively.

"What were you guys doin' in here?" Wiggling her shoulders, she smirked. Shoving away from her I felt the heated skin along my jaw and neck once more, the lingering tingles igniting the area further. "Shit, fill me in later, Rayne's got a race and he told Joey to be there." Pushing off the mattress she stood abruptly. "He said we can go, so c'mon get your arse dressed."

"Rayne was here?" I whispered in an unattractive rasp, combing my fingers through my hair. Nodding she rolled her eyes, folding her arms she watched me accusingly.

"As if you didn't know that, he spent the entire time in here then shot Joey the instructions over his shoulder before gapping it." My eyes widened before drifting down to the sheets once more.

"In here?"

Groaning she let her arms fall noisily against her sides. "Don't play coy and get your arse out of bed already! Joey's leaving in ten, so you better be ready." She stormed out of the room letting the door slam to mark her exit. How long had Rayne been in here, watching me? The knowledge alone should have awakened another violent panic attack...yet here I was; calm and comfortable, feeling that strange sense of security again.

Pulling the sheets back, I climbed out of his bed. Drifting across the room I clicked open the door, glancing over my shoulder at nothing in particular I left the room. Macy strutted down the hall smacking her lips together. Scanning her outfit I watched Joey's reaction. Bounding off his position on the closest recliner he groaned- greedily taking in his girl, looking hotter than hell. Chuckling, I blew a wolf whistle, just to tease Joey. His rapid glare in my direction had me biting my lip in a feeble attempt to stiffen a laugh. "You know that's going to be every guy tonight...and possibly even a few girls." Raking his fingers through his hair, he nodded slowly; as though he was weighing up what I'd brought to his attention.

"Fuck, I didn't even think about that-" Cutting off abruptly he rushed towards Macy, scooping her into his arms he began towards their room. "-lets go put something warmer on you." He cooed. Squirming in his hold, Macy clawed at him until he released her. Blowing her hair out of her eyes, she rightened the thigh-high gold number she'd selected for tonight.

"If you even think about asking me to compromise my love for mini-dresses we're done." Macy all but growled at the the giant towering over her, wincing he sighed his defeat. "Besides...you're the one that get's to take it off after the race." Walking her fingers along his chest, she smiled up at him seductively. Clearing my throat I began to inspect the marble laminate covering the kitchen counter.

"Fuck, we gotta go. Rayne's gunna beat the shit out of me if I'm late." Joey groaned, shoving his phone back into his pocket. Motioning towards the door, I began to make my way towards it.

"Stop!" Jumping at the pitch Macy's voice had managed to reach, both Joey and I flipped to survey the area for any serial killers who'd had the nerve to hide out and attack Macy despite the presence of an audience.

"What? What's wrong?" Scanning the room, he pulled Macy into his arms.

"Th-that..." She stammered shaking a finger towards me. Cautiously dropping my gaze to scan for the biggest, hairiest spider in the world-that was the only explanation for Macy's paled face stricken with terror. "She's wearing it to the race." She cringed, scowling at my attire.  Fixing my sleeves to sit better, I quickly brushed my fingers through my hair.

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