Chapter Two: Hear Me

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She wanted to scream. She knew she couldn't. She had squeezed her eyes shut immediately after opening them upon coming face to face with the demogorgon. She slowly opened her eyes, fearing that these could be her last moments. In just a second, it would open its mouth, devouring her. She wanted her last thoughts to be of someone she cared about. Her mind running through all the people she knew, her Papa, Mrs. Byers, Hopper, Will, Lucas, Dustin, and finally landing on Mike. She cared about him more than she had ever cared about anyone else.
She thought, wishing she could reach out to him. She wanted to ask for help, but if he could hear her words, then that would just be cruel to say.  Sending him on a wild goose chase to find a dead girl. She settled on something else instead.
Don't forget me
Taking a shaky breath, she opened her eyes. It was dead. The head of the dead demogorgon lay in front of her, looking ready to devour her. She quickly moved from her position and inspected the remains.

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