Chapter Six: An ending

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She sank to her knees, the tears flowing so quickly she could barely see. The monsters were here, and the portal was closed. There was no escape for her now. She could run, but what good would that do. She was in the upside down surrounded by demogorgons, and she was the only one here. There would be no one to save her if she ran. As far as anyone knew, she had died defeating the first demogorgon. And even if they knew she was alive, there was no way to save her. She had closed the portal.
She sobbed, wishing she could make it go away. All of it.
She wished she could go back to her dimension. She wanted more than anything to go to the snowball with Mike like he had promised. She missed being with the boys and she missed how Mike made her feel like her cheeks were on fire every time they were near each other. But she would never see him again. Or Lucas. Or Dustin. She'd never get to meet Will.
She knew it was there.
Then it pounced on her.
All she could feel was pain.
And she screamed. 
It was an ear splitting scream, so full of emotion and pain.
She felt numb.
And slowly, she slipped away. Darkness overtaking her.

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