Chapter Sixteen: Escape Plans (or lack thereof )

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Lucas and Eleven had been standing back to back, flashlights and weapons out. They heard a noise, Lucas knew it was the opening of the door. They waited to hear the demogorgon. Nothing.
"Mike." Eleven whispered to Lucas. He nodded, and the two took off running towards the door.
They found Mike laying in front of the open school door. His elbow was bent back and he was covered in blood. El winced as she looked at his arm.
"Hold...arm..." She said to Lucas, pointing at Mike's non-broken arm.
"Hold him down?" He asked her, confused. She simply nodded, and closed her eyes. If she could break that boy's arm, surely she could put Mike's back into place. With a lot of concentration and a slight turn of her neck, his arm was back the way it should be. It was still broken, that was for sure. But now they could wrap it to keep him from hurting it any more than it already was.
Lucas took off his sweatshirt and began to wrap Mike's arm. The two picked him up and tried to wake him. He woke with a start, his eyes shooting open.
"Mike, I know you're injured, but we have to move. The demogorgon most likely tracked your scent." Lucas said, looking Mike in the eye.
Mike just nodded, still in a daze. He wrapped his good arm around Lucas, using him for support. Mike moved his wrapped arm and felt a jolt of pain that woke his brain up the rest of the way.
"Let's go." He said, keeping his sentences short as he breathed through pain. "Will's."

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