Chapter Twelve: The Rescue

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The air hit Mike's lungs with such force, he almost passed out. He stopped, taking a minute for his lungs to adjust. Will had been breathing this toxic air for over a week, and El for six months. He had no idea how either had survived.
Lucas looked at his walkie-talkie and heard Dustin's voice.
Lucas, Mike! Are you okay? Over.
"We're fine." Lucas replied. "We just don't know where she is. Over."
You could check Hawkins Lab or the forest. Over.
"Got it. Over"
The boys headed towards The lab first.
"Ow!" Lucas said. He had been scraped on the arm by a jagged tree branch.
What happened? Over
"Just scraped my arm on a branch. Over"
Is it bleeding
It was Will's voice. Urgent and scared.
"Yeah but not much."
Run! It can smell blood!
Mike heard the growl of the demogorgon behind them, and began to run, Lucas a half second behind him
"Where are we going?" Lucas asked, as they frantically ran through the forest in an attempt to escape the carnivorous monster behind them
"My house!" Mike yelled, still running. He pointed behind them and shot his gun. The monster screeched as it was hit with bullet after bullet. "It's still close! But we're loosing it!"
The two boys ran into Mike's house, bolting the door shut behind them
"That's not going to do anything." Lucas said, out of breath from their run
"I know. It just makes me feel better. " Mike replied with a shrug
Please tell me you're okay. Over
Dustin's voice came through the walkie-talkie
"We're alive. Over" Mike replied
"Mike?" They heard a voice, the quietest whisper. Mike turned on his flashlight
"Mike." The voice said again
Mike walked towards the table where he had made Eleven's makeshift bed.
He pulled back the sheet that covered the front, and dropped down to his knees. He felt a flood of relief as he saw her face. She was bloody and bruised. Every movement looked like it hurt.
"Eleven." He whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek. He took her hand and gently helped her up. Her legs were week and she fell on him. He kept his balance and hesitantly put his hands on her waist, keeping her in a standing position. She wrapped her arms around him, crying onto his shoulder.
"Mike." She whispered again
"It's okay." He said softly "We're here to save you." He lifted her, she was light, too light, and set her gently down on a chair. He and Lucas sitting next to her.
"Thank you." She said quietly to Mike "Thank you Lucas" she said, looking over at her other rescuer. 
The boys opened their backpacks. Mike took out a box of waffles, placing them in front of El. Her face lit up.
"Eggos!" She whispered
"For you." Lucas said, smiling. She took the package, ripping it open, and proceeded to shove eggos in her mouth. Mike placed another five boxes on the table and she smiled even wider. Mike pulled a box of bandages from his bag and Lucas took out some wipes to clean the cuts covered in dry blood. El looked at the wipes, scared.
"These might sting a bit, but they clean off the blood." Mike said softly to El. She nodded and the two boys got to work, Lucas cleaning up the cuts on her arms, legs, and face, and Mike gently covering them with band-aids. When she had finished the waffles and they had finished dressing the cuts, Mike pulled out a pair of Nancy's old tennis shoes.
"You really were prepared." Lucas said with a laugh
"When you get a walkie-talkie call at one in the morning, concerning eggos and weapons, you come prepared. " Mike said, smiling.
Mike helped El put on a pair of socks, and he laced up the shoes for her.
He had just finished double knotting the second shoe when they heard the growl of a demogorgon, then another one from the opposite side of the house. They paled.
"Two." Eleven whispered, nearly trembling with fear.

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