Chapter Twenty: Awake

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All of you guys who got the wheeler/wheel her joke are my favorites.

His eyes opened slowly, his eyelids weighed down by tiredness. He knew where he was. The smell was enough for him to know. This was a hospital. Despite being sore and tired, his eyes shot open. Then he saw her. She was there on the bed next to him in a tangle of wires. She was no longer covered in blood, and bore a hospital gown similar to the one they found her in. She no longer looked sickly, just abnormally thin. But most of all she looked at peace. The sight of her still made his pulse quicken. She was safe now. He sighed in relief, finally being able to relax.
"Mike?" The slight noise he had made had woken her up instantly.
"El." He said back, and as he said it he couldn't help but smile. Eleven pointed at his various injuries.
"Hurt?" She asked with worry.
"Only a little." He replied
"Help." She said determinedly. She lifted her hand and closed her eyes, concentrating on the large cut on his leg.
"No!" He said abruptly. She opened her eyes, concentration broken. She looked confused. "Don't use your powers to fix me. You need all your strength to recover."
She nodded. "Thank you." She said quietly.
Mike blushed. "You're welcome." He said softly.
Eleven's eyes widened as she remembered something. "Snowball?" She whispered ever so softly. The word brought back memories that Mike would rather forget. The night of the snowball he had sat on his bed, clad in a suit and tie, and cried. Waiting for El. "You missed the snowball. You were still in the upsidedown."
"Oh" she said, tears forming
"There's another one next year." He said quickly. He had seen the sad look she had gotten on her face. Eleven smiled.
"Oh good!" A nurse said, walking into their room. "You're both awake. Are you guys okay to have visitors?" They both nodded

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