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It's been awhile since I last saw her. She has grown so much and seemed happier now. Her emerald green eyes sparkled as she speaks. I have her in good hands now. I wish she knew that we are a part of her too. I miss her. But I can't just break the news to her and comfort her. It's for her own safety. Right now, we are in danger, we knew that no one is going to continue the royals except us. After the royals die she'll know she is a part of us and she'll treasure our family and fight for us. I turned and walked away pulling my sweater closer to my body. I rushed by her and dropped a crumpled note. Quickly, I scurried away, hoping that she does not notice me. I wrote what I wanted to tell her but too bad she does not know me and I don't want her to be confused and lost.

I miss you. We'll meet later, dear...

I know she'll throw it away or maybe even, not pick it up. I wipe my tears away. I walked slowly along the road heading to the castle, my home. Different types of leaves littered the pavement, swirling with the wind, picturing my mixed emotions. I kicked small stones that was in the pavement, away from me. So frustrated! When will I ever meet my only daughter? When will fate bring me to her?

"Ma'am you dropped your litter. It's illegal!" Shouted her familiar voice.

Her voice seemed like music to my ears, I still remember when her younger self laughed in her newly bought cot. The fact that her voice still makes me feel emotional still remains. I jogged lightly and turned a corner entering an alleyway, a shortcut I have learned  towards the castle. I leaned against the rough brick wall near the dumpster. Eww... They smell. I better get home fast before she finds me and reveal my cover as a royal. Adding the fact that this place is killing my sense of smell. As a royal in a high rank in Nightvalle I'm quite popular and well-known for my intelligence, beauty and kindness. I feel like I'm bragging but it's what I have always been told and known for. So ladies and gentlemen who are reading this I'll tell you who I am...

I'm Your Royal Highness Merenda Alicia Kings, the Queen.
So hey guys!;)
So this is officially my first book. So I apologise for my grammar mistakes and my horrible vocab. So I can come up with pretty lame ideas. So yeah.... I'll try to update frequently when I'm not busy with schoolwork and stuff. So apologies for that too.

Lastly, thanks for reading this and ENJOY READING!!

'Reading is an eye opener to those who wants to read' ;)

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