Chapter 6

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Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
- Rachel Platten

Chapter 6- True love or a mutual crush?

Whispers around the cafeteria was traveling with the speed of 1km/s like the waves in the Atlantic Ocean. I cupped my head with the both of my palms not daring to look up. This was reality that I can't avoid, being notice. Jealous faces was thrown in my way. I've got so much to lose and nothing to keep.

"Urgh," I groaned.

I took Evans hand and put on his thigh. I bolted of my feet, hit my head against Nathan's and stepped on Evans hand that was blocking my way of escape. Have you ever wonder where? My favourite hang out place, the rooftop. I slammed the heavy emergency door shut and headed to my spot, the sill which was just a stonewall. I sat on it and enjoyed the view.

I always wonder how was life in the castle. Was it as cruel as in movies? Or am I the special one like in books? Sometimes I really wish that the scene in the book can breathe and not be trapped in stiff pages. What is it like to have problems and doubts on your own self? What is it like to try new adventures? To skip classes?

Yup, that's what I'm gonna do!

Lesson number 1 to be a badass: Dare to try new things either good or bad.

A tap on my shoulder startled me sending me almost to my death. I turned and saw a solemn looking Evans. I frowned my eyebrows and went back to solid ground.

"Whatca doin' here? You're suppose to be in class," I questioned perplexed by his appearance.

"You too apparently," he replied.

" What's wrong?"

" I..I want to declare something," he started.

"What you've fallen in love with Cat? Or Jenny?" I guessed jokingly.

"Yup, but not them, you," he said.

"I... I don't believe you."

"Believe it or not it's true," he replied grimly and slammed the door shut.


Evans has been a jerk ever since. I don't get it. Is this how someone treats you after they declare they love you? This is the very first time I've get into this kind of trouble. Ever since then Nathan has gotten a bit quirky and distant. We no longer cuddle with each other when I'm scared or he feels lonely. He's been ignoring me and we no longer ride to school together. Michael, Evans and Nathan have been walking to school while allowing to ride his car. Why is he letting down his ego just to avoid me? My mind has not been in its usual state ever since. I walk down the hallway to my locker. CCA was canceled so I can go home now.

"Nadline, can you follow me for a while?" My counsellor, Mdm Daring, asked.

I gave her a stiff nod and followed her skinny figure to the office.

"Take a seat please."

I took a seat and she continued speaking. Normally students never like counsellors, however I actually do love talking to her. She's like my second guardian.

"Nad, please explain why your grades are dropping?" She asked politely.

I started blabbering all my experience to her. From meeting Nathan till Evans confession and how they've been treating me.

" What should I do? I miss Skye very much," I sniffled.

"Firstly, you have to woman and tell Evans that you do not like him to protect your relationship with the prince. Secondly, you have to say sorry that you can't love him the way he does. Thirdly, make amends with Nathan. Honestly, you'll feel better."

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