Chapter 1

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"You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful"
-Alessia Cara

Chapter 1- The worse day

I tightened my tie while looking at myself in the mirror. I don't know why so many people avoid to look at their faces in the mirror. It's your face. It's a part of of you. It's not like you can take a wand and say magic words and Poof! You're a whole different person. I agree that some people are blessed with beautiful faces and some are not. And I can admit that I have a pretty decent face. But yeah, people! I really wish I am the queen and sit on huge throne giving a speech about beauty to every single woman and then they can proudly go out without any thoughts of insecurities like in the music video of Jennifer Lopez, Ain't Your Mama. That was so cool. I agree on the part that many people treat women differently. But in case you're wondering not all men do that... Like how my personal driver, Thomas, treats me. I call him Thommy. He has been my personal driver since I can remember. He treats me like his own, and I treat him like my own father. Grace, my 'caretaker', warned that I have to beware amongst men, that you might never know what they intend. Okay, I'm way out of topic. Oh God, I feel like I'm nagging like and old lady like how Grace is. I glanced at my reflection one last time and sighed. Could this day be any amazing? I hate Mondays. Monday blues are so true. Who likes Monday? Practically no one.

Speaking about school, my uniform consists of a tie. I was enrolled to a private school that is exclusive for only girls, this is why I have to wear a uniform. It is quite troublesome when it is an unlucky day where you accidentally woke up late and then realised that your uniform is either crumpled or wet from just washing it. Don't get me wrong, the school is amazing. No annoying smelly jocks. No failed flirts. Simple and easy.


I touched my growling stomach, signalling that it is empty. A sudden waft of fresh fried pancake entered my nostrils making me excited. Yes! Grace surely knows how to brighten up my mood. I tiptoed slowly down the stairs towards the small vintage kitchen, trying to get a peak of the delicious food that Grace is cooking. Mondays were never my day and Grace never fails to make it worse by shouting in my ear every Monday morning to get me up. Literally. I can't even do a thing except for just up frightened with the sudden blow. It's kind of a miracle for me to actually be up and awake at this time in the morning.

I saw Grace singing and swaying her hips to the radio's mix. She seems to enjoy her little concert while I gagged at her horrible singing. I don't how Tommy is still attracted to this chubby old grandma. Even though she is not a sight to marvel at but she's pure at heart. I really want a guy to love me because of my characteristics not my beauty. Looking at Grace's relax state, a very naughty idea came into my mind. I slowly approached her and neared her ears. Hehe.. Payback time Gracey. I smiled evilly.

"Good Morning, Gracey!" I shouted in her ear.

I laughed as she began to startle due to my shout. I clenched my stomach but stopped when I felt a knock on my head. I looked up and saw Grace with a wooden ladle that was on my head a while ago. I try easing up the sides of my cheeks but failed miserably when I saw Grace's red face that reminded me of a ripe tomato ready to be picked. She jutted her bottom lip out and sulked. If I take her picture I guarantee I'll get many likes.

"No pancakes for you," Grace answered my laugh curtly making me sulk.

"Not even one? But I'm hungry. Please Gracey," I begged her while hugging her leg.

She shook her head. I groaned and stood up from my kneeling position. Looking at my watch, I was surprised to see that it was 7:45 and I am really late. We have assembly at 8:00 and driving takes 30 minutes due to the slow traffic. I sighed. I guess I have two choices: 1. Run to school or 2. Take the car and get detention. I choose the earlier one rather than the later. I hurriedly snatched my bag that was on the bottom of the stairs and kissed Grace on the cheek. I ran past her after saying goodbye. I didn't care what i was wearing but I'm sure it's my bunny slippers. I waved goodbye to Tommy and dashed as fast as I could.

I stood in front of the massive gate and saw that it was still open, welcoming the school's visitor. I didn't get to catch my breath when a figure slammed right into me. I fell flat on the face. Oh this sure is going to leave a bruise. I looked up and saw a sinister smile on Bethany's face.

"Huh. Klutz," she smirked and strutted away with her girlfriends.

Ugh. How I hate them. Perhaps there's really no better way to start my day. I forced myself to stand up and run to the Main Hall where assemblies are. I opened the door sat on the nearest chair I could find. I felt all eyes boring holes in my face. This made me look down at my hands that were shaking. I was so tired plus my empty stomach. I think I'm going to faint.

"Ms Nadline Emerald King, could you show some respect and at least stand up when his royal highness and his friends are?" Boomed Ms Tenderheart through the speakers.

I jumped slightly at the cynical reminder. I really have no idea the prince was there or even who he was. So I slowly stood up with my vision blurring every second due to my hunger. Before I could even turn around I felt warm breath trickling my exposed neck. I was really scared to turn. But Ms Tenderheart's death glare beats every emotion in my heart right now. I quickly turn around while closing my eyes. I opened it slowly and tripped on my bunny slippers. I knock my forehead against his and that was my cue to faint.

But before everything turn empty and dark, I was left alone in my world with those darker shade emerald green eyes that looks really familiar. But where? When? Or is it just my imagination? Was he from my dream? Maybe it is because he was the prince and just maybe I've met him. I wish I really knew who he was...

His voice was the last thing I heard before I drown into a pool of darkness. Those words confirmed my suspicions that I've met him before.

"You really look familiar."
Hey Guys!
So this is my first ever chapter. So I'm sorry for my horrible grammar. And I really need to study for my CA.
Thanks for reading and enjoy! ;)

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