Chapter 4

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I won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight
I won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight
-Major Lazer {feat. Justin Bieber and MO}
Chapter 4- Stella

Days passed by like river. They've decided who are going to take those 2 bedrooms. Sawyer's been busy, again. He had another tour which left 4 people to stay in them. Cat is not going to stay here forever. But I know that she is going to sleep with me tonight like the other nights. Evans and Michael are sleeping in the room beside Grace and Tommy's while of course the prince requested for a room beside mine. So there he goes, my art room. It was so hilarious the first time he opened it. He almost crash into unfinished canvas thinking it was a window.

For your information, I do paint. But I'm not an expert like Leornado DaVinci. He's a man with all sorts of talent. Not me. I started painting when I was 4. That year I actually spilled a cup of lemonade on the canvas that was ready to be hung up. I panicked and took the painting in my room, trying to fix it with anything. I guess it costs a fortune. So the next day I bought yellow paint to cover it up. Luckily there was a store nearby with all sorts of things. Also, the lemonade decided to land on the meadows on the painting. I dried the spill and started painting strokes adding extra water every time to make the shade lighter. When it was finished I showed Tommy because I'm scared if Grace's is going to scold me. He was amazed and started showing Grace. At first I was so scared that In didn't look at her face. The wooden floor became suddenly very interesting. But she squeezed me in a hug and beamed in joy. So that is the story of how to find my talent.

"TALLIE!!!!! Don't you dare run away from me!" Shouted Nathan.

So now I'm currently avoiding to help but I still must so, I gotta go. I tried hiding under my bed to avoid the 'monster's' grip. Can you imagine my used to be painting room has a direct connection to my room a.k.a. there is really a connecting door to my art room. Before Nathan even appear in my life, the idea was thrilling but now not much excitement in my side. The space around was getting smaller. I didn't know I was claustrophobic. It now smell of my sweat mixed with the stuffiness in the air. I felt a hand curled around my wrist. The person was non other than Nathan. He grinned wickedly at me.

"Come on we got a lot of work to do!" He dragged me along the wooden floor while I begged to be free.

"Quit begging! Do your work!" Command Commander Nathan.

I bet he'll be an excellent commander, huff! A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G. I picked up my uncompleted pieces and put them in one corner of my room. Most of the completed pieces are hung around my art studio. You know what I should give the room a name so I don't have to call it my art studio. So Stella is my choice. I don't know why I call her Stella but whatever.

I took a ladder and climbed step by step. Before I get to take one of my nice paintings, The Sunflower, I heard a whisper beside my ear.

"No Tallie, I loved it. Just finish your uncompleted ones ok?" Nathan whispered.

I bet he's just below the step I'm on. I shivered when he blowed my ear. Hating the situation I elbowed his stomach in response. He fell with a thud. You know in films they'll forget that they are on a ladder then they'll fall on the guy. Nah I'm not like that. I'm far chiller. I don't know if that's even a word. I went down the stairs and quickly ran to him.

" You really should've not done that. You really crazy Tallie," he grunted.

"I'm sorry! I really mean it. If your not in pain right now, I'll really slap your face. Don't ever call me crazy. Sometimes I am crazy sometimes not. So yah. So... Oh God, this is soooo awkward. I better-"

"Don't babble, Tallie!" He advised be with his deep, strong voice.

I shut up and went deep in thought. The door creaked breaking the awkward silence in the air. I turned and saw Michael. He gestured at Nathan. I was scared he'll do something to me so I tried waking Nathan up but failed miserably. How can he sleep so easily. The door was slammed behind me. I wondered what's wrong with Michael. I left Nathan alone in Stella and went to my own room.

I lay down and stared at the blank white ceiling. I closed my eyes. I guess I fell asleep while thinking of Michael's clear blue eyes.
I jumped from my bed. I was so scared of the possibility of my nightmare. The nightmare has been haunting me everyday. The bloody claws trying to claw my face made me shiver uncontrollably. I was shaking in fear. Cold sweat trickled down my forehead. I sank deeper in my duvet and cried silently.

An arm sneaked around my waist and pulled me in a warm embrace. I was so scared that I guess my ownself was going to give up on me.

"Hey chill. It's me, Skye," muttered the voice.

I sighed and pried my eyes open. The shivers went away like river following downhill.

"Why are you here?" I asked upon curiosity.

He put his index finger on my lips, asking me to keep quiet. I could still hear my heavy breathing, the bloody hand and the nightmare. It's so true when they say, " Dreams can be achieved, but they didn't tell us nightmares are dreams too." I wanted to get out bed to forget the nightmare but Nathan's hand was preventing me to do so. I sighed heavily. Nathan who was resting his head on my shoulder jerked. I laughed quietly as I was really not feeling well.

"Do you want some distractions?" Nathan asked me.

I nodded silently. He took out his phone and showed me pictures of the castle. I wish I could visit it one day. Suddenly he stopped at a picture. This picture was special. Itis not a place but instead it is two babies hugging each other while sleeping. From their clothing I could see that one is a boy and the other is a girl.

"This was my lost sister. Mom said she was really pretty. She loved me so much. I really really missed her. I wish she was here."

A tear fell down as he spoke. His solemn mood was not helping me either. So I leaned back and hugged him back. Like how the picture pictured it. We fell asleep after tired of cleaning up Stella. My shirt has a patch on my shoulder but that did not bother my sleep.

Nobody's POV

The twins didn't realise that they were being watched. They didn't know they were siblings, twins even. But just being there for each other is not enough because one day someone has to sacrifice for the better. They thought their lives were going to be glitters and butterflies. But no, it's just the beginning.
Hey Guys!!
I updated the fourth chapter! I had no idea how to write this chapter actually. But I hope you enjoy it and please vote if you guys like it.. ;)
P/s: Wish me luck for my exams... I'm scared.

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