Chapter 3

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I ain't gon' be cooking all day, I ain't your mama
I ain't gon' do your laundry, I ain't your mama
I ain't your mama, boy, I ain't your mama
When you're gon' get your act together?
I ain't your mama
No ooooh, I ain't your mama
No ooooh, I ain't your mama, no
-Jennifer Lopez
Chapter 3- Eggs

The throbbing pain in my head hit me, again. But it was so good to be home. Grace, Tommy and I leave in a small apartment or should I say a mini mansion. So can you imagine how so many people, 5 to be exact staying in our small mansion without enough bedrooms. I don't even know how all of them could stay here for what 2 months because they were worried. Oh God, I hope this is possible.

I breath the fresh air of the surrounding. I'm currently sitting at the balcony trying to read a book but failed miserably. You know I better write my long abandoned diary. It was a gift from Grace on my 11th birthday. I took out the red skinned book and opened the dusty yellow pages. I could see the last date I wrote in this diary was 15 March 2015. It was the day of my nasty breakup with my first boyfriend. He cheated on me, ripped my heart and stepped on it, figuratively. But the cheated part was literally. Since then I don't believe in boys or even men expect for Tommy and maybe the Trio downstairs.

I was so excited to tell the diary what happened this morning when I woke up. So I began to write:

      Dear long-lost-friend,
How was your day? Okay that was a very lame question. You're not even a living thing. Okay so you know after the annoying and painful incident, I was in the hospital again for TWO FREAKING weeks. The prince I guess could see the the blotchiness of my face requested for me to be brought back home, how gentleman of him.... So when I woke up today I saw so many people surrounding my bed do you know what they were doing? They were peacefully sleeping on their arms. All of them. Let me list it for you. On my right was Grace followed by Tommy then Evans then Michael that was at the end of the bed opposite my headboard. On my left was Nathan and Sawyer? By my side was Cat hugging me tightly I almost choke. I woke the m by screaming as loud as possible after clearing my throat with a glass of water. They all woke up startled and shouted that was really the least expected. I guess Sawyer has heard of my injury and quickly rush back from tour. Awww so sweet...
Now they are downstairs deciding on who shall sleep where leaving me alone not occupied. Okay I gotta check up on them.

I closed the thick cover satisfied. I padded downstairs before I was scared with a deep voice.

"Boo, Tallie!"

I jumped and tripped on the chair leg by the stairs. Before I could even fall a hand grabbed my waist and hoisted me up. I saw the deep emerald eyes lit with playfulness. I laughed to break the awkwardness. He gives me the small smile.

"Tallie? Skye seriously? No other nicknames?" I teased him.

He hug me sideways and dragged me.

" Since you're the only one who called me Skye, so it's fair right Tallie?"

"Oh God, seriously it's weird. It is like tall but with an ie... Anyway it's not even my name, bruh." I complained.

"Never mind, I love it. Tallie is sweet ok..." He leaned and put his head against mine.

"Fine be like it.." I gave up.

"Tallie, Tallie, Tallie..." He annoyed me with his singsong voice.

I rolled my eyes and gave him that face. We rushed down the stairs after hearing our names being called. I was pulled in Sawyer's bear hug. He ruffled my light brown hair.

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