39: Amanita, Psilocybe

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Merle ran up the hill towards Judit, catching her as she walked towards the well.

"How was last night?" She was breathless, smiling at Judit like she knew something she didn't. "Are you and Gaen friends now? Did he apologise?"

"Yeah." Judit looked at her suspiciously. "Did you tell him to or summat?"

"What! No!" Merle lifted her hands in protest. "Maybe. A little bit. Did he do it?"

Judit nodded. "Yeah. He was alright."

Merle giggled gleefully, clapping her hands. "Did you guys rub then?"

"God, Merle, gross! Just dag off will you?" Judit pushed the other girl away. "No skitting way."

"Whatever." Merle stuck out her tongue. "It'll happen."

"It won't. I'd rather skitting die."

"You sound just like Gaen. I still think it will. Get some beer inside yous."

"Have you rubbed with Jaddy yet, then?" Judit looked at Merle, challenging.

"Skit off," Merle said sourly. She was quiet for a moment then continued, her voice innocent, all her sourness gone. "I was thinking of going to the woods later. See if I can find some mushrooms. You wanna come? You could make Gaen dinner."

Judit pulled a face and then nodded. She did kinda owe him one. He'd fed her loads of times now, and that was supposed to be her job.

"Okay," Judit said. "Shall we ask Lintie as well? I feel like I haven't seen her for ages."

"It's because you're out with Rama all the time," Merle teased her. "Rubbing in the woods, or whatever you guys do."

Judit flushed. "Oh yeah, just that. Me and Rama and Jaddy, having a hot threesome under the trees."

Merle snorted.

Anyway," Judit added, "I don't think I'm gonna go with Rama tonight. I'm gonna say I'm ill. Jaddy does it all the time, I don't see why I can't, too."


The girls clambered through the woods, each carrying a basket of chestnut brown mushrooms and lush green leaves. Judit was quite pleased with her stash. At first, she'd thought she'd never find any, even though the other girls' baskets were starting to fill. Then she'd stumbled on a perfect circle of tawny blushers, soft white gills beneath, and picked every single one of them.

After that, they'd gone down to the river, and Merle had pointed out a plentiful crop of waxy leaves, low to the ground.

"Ramsons," she said. "Chop em up, and fry them with the mushrooms in butter. It'll be delicious."

They picked a load, their fingers stained with the oniony smell, and walked back to the village.

"How're you getting on with Tod?" Merle asked Lintie as they approached the village.

Lintie shrugged, sticking out her bottom lip. "It's ok. He's brutal shy. He barely says anything."

"Must be weird after Brock," Merle said, and Judit and Lintie shot each other meaningful glances.

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