Dear Mistress

42 13 10

"Tell me miss..."
Do you feel what I do?
Are you weak like I am?
Do you see the hanging tree with red ruby on the trunk?
Do you walk all alone,
That raging battle still intact within.
Oh how I wonder.
Am I so alone?
Am I unnoticed by the living,
Seeming to run through,
Their voices still whispering in my head.
The same track is getting annoying.
In the middle of the summer,
Yet covered in snow.
Oh how I wonder,
Can you see me all alone,
This war is forever mine.
One hundred more reasons to wake up.
Only choosing six.
Could you tell me fair lady,
Am I alone?
Invisible to the living,
Cold inside never to feel the warmth of a child's smile.
Unable to know.
So I ask you this again.
Am I fighting a war against myself?

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