Key Ring

27 14 11

I'm done playing games.
I'm through with this unreachable blandness.

All of these apologizes,
I'm done working hard,
To please the ones before me.

The ones who all say the same thing.
The empty words that mean nothing.

Hollow things meant to be filled,
Not with lies and cruelty,
but with love.

Isn't it remained pointless if you fulfill your life with half truths?
Forever laying on a spider web.

Waiting to be consumed.
So I will say once more,

I'll hand you one key to open the door.

One out of many more,
A second chance to become what the starting line claimed be the first time.

But if you break this chance,
I will shut you out once more.

A third chance rest not on my lips.
Cherish what you have, what was not terminated.

One mistake.
One lie.
One act of brutality.

And I will shut that door.
No hesitation lives in my brain when I say,

You have one chance to open that door once more.

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