Fairy tail wedding.(Cos they have a nice life.)

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First chapter of a new book! Whoop! Enjoy my petals!❤️❤️❤️
Meghan's POV

I listen eagerly for the pianist to change the song, providing my Q to walk down the aisle. It has been eight months since Charlie proposed to me on the house boat. I counted down the amount of time till our wedding, from months, to weeks, to days, to hours. This morning I started counting the minutes. I am now counting the seconds.
"3...2...1." I mumble, clasping my dad's arm tighter as the doors open. Light comes flooding in, cascading on to my silver white gown. I glance around, looking at all my loved ones, the gradient of how close they are rises as I move along. In the front row, I see Charlie's parents, along with my mother. Both the mums are crying. Our siblings stand next to them, Mikaela and Ryan holding hands. Emmy is also there, standing with Stephen, clutching their newborn son to her chest. James was born a few months ago. Stephen proposed after their first ultrasound, but they decided to get married after the baby was born. They are due to get married next month. I look around at everyone, down all the rows. I then turn my head to the front, and see the most important person in the world to me. Charlie. I walk up to the alter, kiss my dad on the cheek, and take my place opposite Charlie.
"You look beautiful."
"You look handsome." I say, flashing him a grin.
"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today, to witness the joining of this man, and this woman."
Finally, we get to the vows.
"Meghan, I never felt tied down. Like a ballon, that had snapped it's tether. You keep me tied, and keep me here. The reason being, I have someone to stay for. I love you. I always want to be tied to you."
I feel tears come to my eyes.
"Charlie, you won my heart pretty soon, after revealing your pizza cooking skills. I remember when you asked me to be your girlfriend. You got down on one knee, and I thought: ''Damn... He won't propose, will he?" I soon realised that even then, I may have said yes. So when you really did ask me, I already knew my answer."
Charlie grins, his eyes glimmering with translucent tears.
"Charles Otto Puth, do you take Meghan Elizabeth Trainor to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"Meghan Elizabeth Trainor, do you take Charles Otto Puth do be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." I say, all nerves I had forgotten.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may now, kiss the bride."
Charlie leans in, and grabs my back. He tilts me back as you would at the end of a dance, and kisses me in the lips. We leave down the aisle holding hands. This really is a fairy tail.

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