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Sorry this took forever. Please don't kill me. Enjoy petals! 💗💗💗

Meghan's POV

I sit up abruptly to see a small figure standing in the doorway.
"What's wrong, sweetie?"
My four year old daughter crawls up onto the bed, and sits herself in my lap.
"I had a bad dream."
She looks up at me with her large, brown, doe eyes, tears caught in her long, dark lashes.
"Ah, my poor baby. Come to mama." I say, pulling her against my chest.
"What was your dream about?"
"Somebody broke into the house... and stole all our milk... and then we couldn't have pancakes for breakfast."
I look at her, my brows furrowed.
"Would having pancakes for breakfast make you feel better?"
"Shh, you're gonna wake daddy." I giggle, placing my finger over her mouth.
The groan from beside me says my attempt to silence her was in vain.
"Vi? What are you doing here?"
"Bad dream about a milk thief." She says, crawling over to sit in between myself and Charlie.
"Ok... what time is it?"
"05:45. There's no point going back to sleep is there? The other three will be up in 15 minutes, half an hour."
Charlie let's out a whimper, and drops his head down on his pillow. Viola goes and sits on his chest, and stares down at him.
"Mummy said we can have pancakes."
"Did she now?"
She nods, and turns to look at me.
"Yeah, I did say that. Vi, go get your sisters up."
Viola squeals, and bounces off the bed.
"Release the gremlins." Charlie mumbles under his breath.
I grin, and roll my eyes at him, before laying back down.
"What are you doing? You have to make pancakes. If you don't, they'll eat us."
"No, they won't. They grew out of biting ages ago."
"Remember when they tried to make their own cereal?"
I bolt up, jump out of bed and grab my dressing gown.
"Ok, ok, I'm up. Never again..." I mumble as I think back to that day. Cocoa pops everywhere... including Harmony's hair, and Melody's nose...
I walk into the hall, and see all four of my daughters sat on the top step.
"Mummy!" Squeals Cadence, running over, and leaping into my arms.
"Good morning, baby girl." I say, kissing her on the nose.
Harmony and melody launch themselves at me, making me nearly topple over.
"Who wants pancakes, then?"
There's a chorus of screeches of agreement, and pattering feet as they run downstairs. I follow after them, and head into the lounge.
"Here, watch some telly."
All four of them watch intently as some brightly coloured character walks around the screen. I take out the ingredients, mix up the batter, and pour some into four equally sized pans. They would all fight over who got to be first. I learnt that the hard way last time.
"Yes, Mel?"
"Can we have whipped cream?"
"Of course."
She squeals, and claps her chubby hands together.
"But you're not putting it on yourself." I add as she leaves the room. I hear her groan as she wanders back into the living room.
After a few minutes, I have cooked four pancakes, and smothered each with strawberries and whipped cream.
"Kids! Come get breakfast!"
A small stampede runs into the kitchen. They all sit down at the table, and start shovelling bites of pancake into their mouths. I put some more mix in the pans for myself and charlie.
When they've all finished, they wash their hands, and bring me their plates.
"Good girls. Now go wake daddy!"

Happily ever afterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang