Feeding stations

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Sorry it took so long to update. Hope you enjoy my lovely petals! ❤️❤️❤️

Meghan's POV

"You ok? You got it?"
"Yeah, hang on."
Charlie places the second baby car seat on the ground as he desperately tries to open the door. The baby inside is still sound asleep, her blonde hair brushing against her forehead with the wind. Charlie finally managed to open the door, despite holding Viola in her seat with the other arm. He helps me through the door, then goes back for Melody.
"They're all asleep." I say, looking down at Cadence.
"Dr says we should sleep when the babies sleep."
"So we can sleep now?"
"Oh thank god."
He collapses onto the sofa, his breathing already slowed.
While the five of us stayed in hospital for a few weeks, as the babies needed to stay in incubators for a bit, Charlie stayed in the hospital with us, and slept on a chair. I tried to get him to go home and sleep, but he insisted on staying. I place all the babies in a row in front of the couch which is unoccupied. I then go and curl up on it, and allow my eyes to close.

I'm awoken by crying. When I open my eyes, three of the babies are still in their seats, but Viola's is empty. That's when I hear Charlie trying to quieten her.
"Shhh... You'll wake mummy."
He looks over to me at that point, and smiles sadly.
"I was trying not to wake you."
"It's ok. I got some sleep. She ok?"
"Yeah. Think she's hungry though."
"Ok, pass her here." I say, extending my arms.
"You got her?"
"Yeah, I got her. Hey baby girl." I say, moving away the dark locks that fall across her face.
She looks up at me with her dark eyes, gurgling quietly.
"Are you hungry?"
She balls her fists up, and sticks one of them in her mouth.
Cadence starts wailing, kicking her legs up.
"Can you pass her here, please?"
"Can you manage both?"
"Two arms, two feeding stations." I say, gesturing at my chest.
He grins, and hands Cadence over to me. After a while, they're both quietly feeding. Harmony starts shuffling around, but remains asleep.
"Can you warm up the expressed milk? It's in the fridge."
"Sure." He says, heading into the kitchen.
"This isn't going to be too hard, right?" I ask Cadence, who stares at me with blank, green, eyes, before going back to suckling.
Harmony starts whining, kicking her legs up.
"Charlie, can you...?"
"Yeah, I'm on it." He says, scooping up the crying baby.
"Here you go."
She happily latches on, and suckles calmly on the bottle.
Buy the time Melody wakes up, Viola has already pulled away. I pass her over to Charlie to burp her, and put Melody in her place.
Viola lies in the crook of Charlie's arm, chewing on the drawstrings of his hoody.
"This works ok, doesn't it?" I ask, lying Melody down so I can burp Cadence.
"Yeah. Course."

Boy were we wrong.

There will a bit of a time jump in the next chapter. Will update soon.

Happily ever afterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin