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Ok, so here is the chapter after the wedding, not the honeymoon. That'll be the following chapter. Enjoy
My petals! 💛💛💛

Charlie's POV
Across from me, is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. My amazing wife. She's so gorgeous. I sit, just watching her laughing, talking, smiling. Everything she does, she looks beautiful doing. Emmy has just given her speech, signalling the end of the wedding. We now have to go to a hotel, then get on a plane, and fly to Hawaii in the morning for our honeymoon.
"That was amazing Emmy!" Meghan squeals, pulling her in for a hug.
I love how much Meghan loves her friends. Stephen walks up behind her, holding a gurgling James.
"Here." He says, passing the baby to its mother. He quietens down, and falls asleep against Emmy's chest.
"I think this is a bit much for him. We should probably head home. Sorry Meg."
"Nah, it's alright. You got a baby. I'm not expecting you to stay. Hey, you can't even drink the wine. I can't ask you to stay." Meghan says cheerily, gently stroking James's cheek.
Meghan looks so happy with James. The look on her face gets me thinking.
"Hey, Meg. We should probably get going if we want to get more than five hours of sleep."
"Oh, yeah, course."
So, we say our good byes, thank everyone for coming, then load all the wedding gifts into the taxi. We get in, and wave to everyone out the window.
"Hey, Meg?"
"Mmmm." She asks, keeping her gaze fixed on the venue and guests behind us.
"You love James a lot, don't you?"
"Yeah! He's so cute, and adorable, and, and... I jut love him!"she squeals excitedly.
"You wanna make one of those?"
Her eyes go wide. She flings herself at me, kissing me hard on the lips.
"I'll take that as a yes." I say after she moves back to her seat.
"Yes. Now let's hurry up, and back to the hotel, so I can have my way with you."
I blush bright pink, already feeling turned on by her. We pull up in the lobby, I pay the driver, we grab our stuff, check in, and run to the elevator. We push frantically on the elevator buttons. We get to our floor, and race to the door. I fumble with the key, before it finally clicks open. Meghan shoves me through the door, causing me to drop our luggage. She attacks my lips with hers, kicking the door shut with her heels. She pushes me backwards on to the bed, and starts to undress me, and I do the same to her. I look at her beautiful body, how perfect it is.
"I love you, Meghan."
"I love you too."
A lot of moans, screams, groans, hair tugging, name calling, and kissing later, Meghan am I lay side by side, covered I sweat.
"Ok, well, by the looks of things, we'll be getting five hours of sleep."

So, what did you think? I'll be writing the honeymoon chapter as soon as I come back from my camping trip. Thanks for the comments. They mean a lot to me. 😊

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