We're gonna be broke!

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Meghan's POV

"Four?! What do you mean four?!" I ask, my voice trembling.

"I mean, you're going to have quadrouplets."

"Quad... Quad..."

Charlie hits the floor with a thud.

"Charlie?! Oh my god."

The doctor kneels down by his head.

"Sir? Sir? Sir?"

Charlie bolts upright, his breathing stunted.

"Chalrie, sweetie, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... Wait did she say four babies?"

"That I did. In fact, they appear to be at an angle that means you can see all four of them."

I shuffle down to the end of the bed, and look at the screen. There, on the ultrasound, are four, little blobs.

"The reason you couldn't see all of them at the beginning was three of them were around the edges, and they can be very hard to see to a newly trained eye."

Charlie and I both nod in understanding. We share a smile, no matter how brief, full of all the words we don't need to say out loud.

How pretentious was that???

I clean myself up, then talk a little more with the doctor.
"Quadruplets can be fraternal, identical, or a mixture of both. They are usually born around 19-31 weeks of gestation, instead of 38-40 in single births. You're almost definitely going to have them via cesarean. They could all be born in different days if they're born naturally."

"There are a lot more factors that go into having four, aren't there?"

"Yes. But, fortunately for you two, not four times as many."

We both grin at this.

"Also, you're looking at them weighing around 3 pounds, give or take."

"Oh, wow. That's really tiny."

"It really is. They will have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks afterwards, depending on heart conditions, and such."

"Yeah. No, of course." Charlie says, gripping my hand.

A few tears trickle down my face as she tells us that it it isn't common for all four of them to make it.

"As I specialise in multiple births, I will be your doctor for the rest of your pregnancy. Dr Robins has only dealt with singular births so far, so I don't think quadruplets is really the first multiple birth you want to handle."

Dr Barnet (now insists we call her Stacy), is to continue to be our doctor up until the quadruplets' second year. I like her a great deal. She really knows her stuff. She's had twins herself, so has personal experience to top it off.
Charlie and I leave the doctors office, and head back home. On the drive, we discuss a financial plan, and soon realise we'll have to move. Fun(!)

Ok, my petals, I will be as quick as I can with these updates. The chapters are coming along quite easily, but I will have to do some research for the next 10, or so chapters. Fun...

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