TDWT day 2!

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Sierra found this time to be wonderful to give us Cody facts that nobody cares about. “Did you know that Cody slept with a stuffed Emu named Jerry until he was... Well okay, he still does.”

“And you know this how?” Noah asked. I agree. This was just too creepy.

“I called his aunt once. I pretended I was a telemarketer!”

Okay, I had a couple of questions here. First, how did you get his aunt’s phone number? Second, what telemarketer would asked “Does your nephew sleep with any stuffed animals”? Third, who would answer this question?! Does his aunt hate him or something? I would never get the answer to these questions, and it made me very sad.

“Ooooh. Stalker-licious.” Noah said. I chuckled a bit.

Chris rang a gong. I jumped a bit and turned to see Mr. High and Mighty being carried by one of his interns. Poor interns. “Mm, don’t know about you guys, but I am loving Egypt.” Chris ate a couple grapes. “And I’m gonna love it even more when I watch you all do your second challenge! The amazing Camel race.”

“But where are the other camels?” Harold asked.

“There are no other camels. It’s a camel race, not a camels race.”

“YES!” Heather said.

“Oh, yeah, Because that makes perfect sense,” I said dryly. Man why does this show have to be so stupid.

“Baaa,” the goat, I guess, answered.

“We won last time, but they get a camel, they get a goat, but we get a stupid stick?” LeShawna repeated her statement from earlier.

“Each reward has it’s advantages,” Chris explained, “Trust me.”

“Yeah, like you can sue the stick to hit him with,” I suggested under my breath.

“You’ll be racing to the world’s most infamous waterway. The Nile. Teams must bring their rewards all the way to the finish. You have 60 seconds to strategize.”

Alejandro started off with a cliche speech. “We need no camel, we have each other, and we are unstoppable. We have the will, and the strength, and together WE WILL TRIUMPH!” He sounded so confident.

“Yeah,” Owen said.

“Yeah!” Tyler said.

“Alright!” Noah said.

I shrugged, “Eh, Whatever.”

Sierra stood there, looking annoyed. I guessed she wanted Cody to be there, all loving and stuff. From what I understand she sounded obsessed with Cody. I almost started laughing. I remembered when Cody asked for Gwen’s bra. Oh man, how did she react to that? I would have paid big money to see that go down!

We all hopped on that poor little goat. Tyler and Noah on the bottom. Then it was Owen on Tyler’s shoulders and I was on Noah’s back. Sierra was on my back.

“This is so cool Ale-handout, or Al-akazam. Ah I'm just gonna call you Al okay?” Owen giggled. “Go, Al!”

“Yeah, this is gonna work.” Noah said as we rocked back and forth, unbalanced.

I began to question the strategy. Owen was on Tyler’s back, when it should have been flipped. I was stronger than Noah, so he should have been on my back and then Sierra on his…

The jealous side of me switched on and I was thankful for this little mess we have.

“Have faith, Noah. Believe. In us!” Alejandro said. He jumped on Sierra’s and Owen’s backs. And we were balanced by some miracle.

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