TDWT day 5!

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“Oh yeah! First class rocks!” Tyler cheered first thing in the morning.

I agreed. First class was similar to economy class in almost every way, except the chairs were more comfortable, the food was better, there was AC, and maybe it was completely different.

“Oh yeah! Today we eat the breakfast of champions,” Alejandro said.

I went to the breakfast bar they had and Noah followed. I slept next to Izzy last night so there wasn’t awkwardness. “Hey,” I greeted him.

“Hey,” He ordered a fruit smoothie and some cereal. I got a soda. “Really, soda?”

I shrugged. “Just as healthy as a doughnut.”

He nodded. “Fair enough.”

It was really hot in here, and I couldn’t figure out why. Oh, that’s right. My extremely thick hair is down. I went to pull it back up, but Noah stopped me. “You look pretty when your hair is down.”

I rolled my eyes. “And I don’t when it’s up.”

He narrowed his eyes, slightly annoyed. “No, you do, but-”

“Good,” I interrupted him, “then you won’t mind it back. It’s either this or I start sweating because my hair is hot.”

“As are you,” Alejandro said from behind me.

I turned to glare at him, but Noah was quicker. “What do you want, Al?” I asked him before Noah bit him.

He winced when I said Al. “I came to offer you some chocolate chip cookies.”

I shook my head. “No thanks. I’m allergic to chocolate.” That and you’re a creep and I would never take food from you.

“Really? How so?” It seemed like Alejandro didn’t believe me.

I shrugged. “I can’t talk any time from 30 minutes-4 hours.” After I said it, I immediately regretted it.

“Interesting…” Alejandro walked to economy class.

“You never told me this,” Noah said. He didn’t sound hurt or anything, more/less curious.

“I’m sorry allergies never came up in any of our conversations?” I told him, and then took a sip of my soda. “Because, you know. Allergies are the first thing couples talk about. The first time a couple meets, the girl always starts up the conversation with ‘are you allergic to anything?’”

Noah rolled his eyes. “Good thing I never gave you chocolate like a cliche boyfriend.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, cause I totally expect chocolate from you. How dare you not get me some.” I then cocked my head to the side. “Are you allergic to anything?”

Noah blew out air. “Ugh! The list is too long to say.” I don’t know why I laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“I don’t know. It’s just… that makes you sound like a stereotypical nerd.”

“Oh please, grant it, I am way more intelligent than most humans”-at least he’s modest-”I am in no way a klutz, unfit, and,” He pointed to his face, “I don’t wear glasses.”

“Hm… I fit all but the ‘unfit’ part. Well, I might fit that description too because the only exercise I do is in boarding school and kinda here.”

“You wear glasses?!” He asked me.

“You didn’t know this?!” He shook his head. “Well, so this doesn’t happen again… Let’s see, I’m 5’4’’, have blue eyes, know 3 languages: French, English, and Spanish, French is my first language, I have a twin sister, I went to juvie when I was 10 and again when I was 15, I live on the border of Quebec and Ontario, my biggest fear is being buried alive and thunderstorms, my parents are divorced and have been for 6 years, my favorite color is yellow, my favorite movie is the Kings Groom and I can recite the entire thing, I throw up when watching romance movies/chick flicks...My favorite soda is nurse salt...Yeah, that’s about all I can think of.” Well, to be fair I thought of one more fact, but I didn’t really want to bring it up so I left it out.

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