TDWT day 14!

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Almost my whole team was eating chocolate chip cookies and I felt left out. It kind of sucked that I couldn’t have them. Well, I could, but then I won’t be able to talk for a while which I think I might need to do if there’s a challenge.

“The chocolate chips are still gooey! First class rocks!” Cody said. Way to rub it in Cody.

Courtney was sitting beside Gwen, glaring at her. Sierra was across from her and dragged Cody along with her. I didn’t understand why they sat there just to make her life miserable. And it’s not like Gwen didn’t try to move to get out of their way. She’s tried that 3 times and each time Courtney and Sierra both followed her for the sole purpose of to piss her off.

I was sitting behind Gwen, beside Heather. “Celeste,” Heather said. I looked up at her. “Cookie?” She offered.

“What type?” I asked.

“Chocolate chip.”

“No, thanks. I’m allergic.”

“Okay.” She turned around. “Cookie?” Heather offered Gwen. Courtney stole it and crumbled the cookie in her hand. Courtney left. Heather grabbed another cookie and gave it to Gwen like a peace offering. Gwen took it. Heather left a little bit after that.

Gwen came and sat beside me. Sierra and Cody followed. “Bar?” I suggested. We moved there. I ordered a soda and the lady handed one to me. I opened it up and took a sip.

“Okay, I am now officially freaked out by Courtney and Sierra,” she said.

“I don’t know why. They only look like they want to kill you,” I said sarcastically.

”It’s like they’re waiting for something to fall out of the sky and kill me. Except they planned it all.”

“Oh please, it can’t be that bad.” I turned around and saw Sierra’s look on her face. It gave me flashbacks of juvie. “I take that back.”

“Ugh! And they won’t stop! I wish I knew why,” She sighed.

“Who knows?” I said, taking a sip of my drink.

“All I know is they want me gone. Like, me being buried six feet under the ground gone.” I shuddered subconsciously. “Oh, sorry,” Gwen remembered one of my greatest fears. I still have no idea how she conquered it.

I shook my head to clear it. “It’s fine. But I know that isn’t true. They just want to see you fall out of the plane.”

“Yeah, without a parachute,” She added grumply. I had no idea what to say to this. I just sighed. Heather and Courtney came back. I stood up to grab a sugar cookie that was at the end of the bar. When I looked back Courtney was sitting beside Gwen, glaring again. Sierra stole my seat and Cody was in the one next to it. Heather was sitting on the couch.

I pulled Gwen’s arm and forced her to sit in between Heather and me so the crazies couldn’t give Gwen the evil eye up close. Heather didn’t seem to care. Courtney and Sierra growled at her and then moved back to their seats.

Chris came over the intercom so this arrangement didn’t last long.“All competitors please move to the common area so we can prep for landing.”


We did as told. Alejandro talked to Courtney and then she looked dazed. Happy almost. This scared me.

“Are you alright?” Heather asked her.

“Never better,” Courtney said cheerfully.

The green jealousy monster was showing in Heather’s eyes. I could tell she was thinking of ways to win Alejandro back.

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