TDWT day 3!

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I woke up to nothing in particular. I looked over to see Noah beside me; one arm over his face and the other on his stomach. He was kinda of adorable sleeping like that.

Okay, stalker mode gone.

I was kind of hungry so I went to the kitchen. That's right. Kitchen! Instead of Chef making us crap this season, we get to make our own! I was very excited to learn this. However, just because we make it didn't mean we actually had good ingredients to do so with. Half the stuff they had was expired. I settled on a slightly bruised apple and went to the dining area. It wasn't a rule we had to eat there, but I felt less awkward. Besides, Lindsay and Tyler both walked into the kitchen and I didn't want to interrupt them.

As I sat down, I thought about last night and smiled like a school girl. It was amazing! Ugh! If only I didn't kiss Duncan last season, I thought, then that would be my first. Then again, it was a stage kiss. Those don't really count, right? I guess they do if you're desperate.

About half way through my apple, Gwen walked from first class. My guess was to use the confessional. But I may never know.

"Someone's in a good mood," She mocked.

Oh man! Was I still smiling like a moron? I tried to frown, but it wasn't happening. "Yeah... I guess so," I laughed a bit.

Gwen came and sat down next to me. "Does this have to do with last night?"

My jaw dropped and I gaped at her. "How did you know about that?" I could feel my cheeks getting red.

She chuckled. "I was coming out of first class to use the confessional and saw you guys. I didn't want to ruin the moment so I walked back."

I shook my head and snorted. I took a bite of my apple and swallowed before I spoke again. "Well, thanks for that. Why did you come out of there now?"

She frowned and rolled her eyes. "Sierra."

"Is she that bad?" I took another bite of my apple.

"Don't even... She's not terrible to me, per se, but to Cody..." She shook her head and blew out air.

I sat up in my chair and gave her a look that screamed "I've gotta hear about this."

She sighed. "Well, first off she was all over him last night. Like, literally cuddling him (and of course Cody didn't want this). And this morning she stole his shoe! Took it off of his foot and started to smell the shoelaces."

I laughed. "Poor Cody." I was done with my apple now so I stood up. "Well, I better head on back to economy class. See ya'." She waved a bit and went back to first class.

I threw my apple core away and went back to economy class where almost all of Team Victory was gone, probably eating, and all but Owen and Noah were here on my team. Owen woke up the moment I stepped into the room. He immediately knew where he was and started freaking out.

"AHHH!! I'm too young to die!" Owen said.

I covered my ears and sat next to Noah. Alejandro returned from his breakfast break as did LeShawna. Lindsay and Tyler were already back.

"Stop sweating, lunchbox. Air travel is like the 15th most safest mode of transportation; unless you're in a death trap!" Noah said.

These wooden planks that were in the wall broke, and we were all being sucked in.

"THIS ONE FOR EXAMPLE!" Noah yelled.

I grabbed the strap out of instinct. I felt two scrawny arms wrap around me and I didn't even need to look to know it was Noah. I felt like this should have been reversed, but if the only way Noah hugs me is when we're facing death, I'm not complaining. At least it's something.

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