TDWT day 21!

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Last night was interesting. With no plane, we had a nice sleep under the stars, with no bed, blankets, and our fire went out half way through. Needless to say, we didn’t get much sleep because of it. That and Chris would NOT stop crying over his precious plane.

“The hot tub with my names spelt out in Italian tiles… Gone. My monogrammed sneakers… Gone. My customized calibrated stubble trimmer… Gone,” Chris’ voice cracked a little bit as if we actually would give a crap about it. We rolled our eyes.

“So, shall we continue the game?” Alejandro asked.

“Yeah, I second that, totally!” Heather said too quickly.

“I’m with them,” I agreed, not wanting to be left out. And I have never been this close to the million! There is no way I’m going to let this stop me.

“As usual you three are only thinking about yourselves,” Chris said. The irony! It hurts!

“We’re teenagers, what do you expect?” I said.

Compared to last night, the plane was in even worse condition because more pieces had fallen off over night and we couldn’t find Sierra. Like, anywhere. Cody suspected that she was under the wreckage that had fallen. He was struggling with the metal. “Could we get some help here?” I take it he found her.

“What about the bigger humanitarian crisis?!” Chris nearly yelled. “How am I supposed to keep this face fresh without my hypobaric chamber?!”

Cody finally pulled Sierra out of the wreckage. “Oh, Cody,” Sierra said, touching his face lovingly. She did not look good. To start with, she was as bald as Heather last season. That was the only obvious one. The rest were her wincing with every breath she took and being in pain. “I’ve had dreams like this. Except in most of them, you wore a mounting hat and a loincloth.” She purred and wiggled her eyebrow “seductively”.

“Did you land on your head?” Cody asked. Cody was having a hard time carrying Sierra and looked awkward when doing so. Because Sierra was about a foot taller than him as well as weighed at least 20 pounds more, he couldn’t hold her in a proper bridal style; one hand was a couple of centimeters above her knee and the other was around her stomach. Somehow, Sierra seemed comfortable.

“No, silly. I’m fine! Fantastic!” Sierra used her arms to emphasize how she felt okay but winced slightly as she did. “It’s just my left wrist, right earlobe, scalp, and both ankles,” Her face changed from excitement to annoyance as Cody began to struggle and grunt when carrying her, “which are kinda throbbing with every step we take. Ow! Ow! Ow!” Cody fell over and dropped her.

“I feel so bad,” Heather said. She sounded sincere. I raised an eyebrow at her. “No girl should be bald on national television!”

Oh! That’s right. Last season. “International TV,” I corrected her. “But, I agree. She looks hurt. Come on, there’s gotta be something in that plane to help her.”

We ran to find stuff. I found a wheelchair and Heather found the head guard we wore in easter island. “Here,” Heather said, handing her the hat. “Maybe this will help.”

I rolled the wheelchair closer to her. “And this.” Cody picked her up and put her in it.

Sierra put the head thingy on. “Does it look okay?”

“Gorgeous!” Heather said quickly so nobody could say anything. She stuck her tongue out and pretended to gag to show she didn’t think so. I had to agree with her. It wasn’t a good look, but better than before.

Chef shoved out a giant steel box. “Hey! My emergency kit! We’re saved!” Chris laughed, ran up, and hugged it. “That’s right, kids. Get ready for surf, sun, and beauties in grass skirts. We’re going to a Hawaii!” He hula danced as he said it.

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