TDWT day 11!

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“Why are we in the loser class? We won last time, or didn't lose anyway,” Heather complained.

“Uh, all people that are in second place go in loser class. I don’t know why though Team Chris is here,” I said.

“Chris said that he needed first class today, for a secret special guest. And what Chris needs-” Sierra was interrupted by Heather.

“Chris takes. From us.”

Courtney came and accidentally sat on Gwen’s sunburned hand. “Ah! Sunburn!” Gwen tried to cool off the pain by blowing on her hand.

“Oops, sorry,” Courtney said.

“How do you get sunburn on just one hand?” I asked, extremely curious. I knew she fell asleep in the sun, but only on one hand?! I didn’t think it was possible.

“I don’t know,” Gwen said. Cody looked guilty like it was his fault.

“Stick your hand in this,” Courtney said, bring a bucket of an unknown substance in.

“What is it?”

“It’ll help cool the burn. It’s a special mix of green tea and bird guano.”

Gwen stuck her hand in it. I, disgusted, scooted down towards Noah. She looked realived like it got rid of the pain completely. “Wait, Guano? It’s that-”

“A nicey, nice word for poop!” Heather finished for Gwen. Gwen pulled her hand out and screamed.

“Poop that’s full of healing ingredients. I learned it in CIT training camp,” Courtney said.

Gwen stuck her hand back in the bucket and said “thanks” to Courtney. Note to self: Do not touch anything that Gwen does.

“Bonding over poop juice?! Ugh! Is there anyone sane left around here?”Heather scoffed. She looked over and saw Sierra using her laptop/pizza box. “That would be a no.”

“Tweeter update! ‘Gwen's hand smells like Jamaican bird dooty. Cody is still cute.’” Sierra giggled. “Uh, sixty seven characters. Okay, seventy three left. What else can I say?”

“‘Considering buying myself a life on Fred's List, but having trouble deciding as they are all such a major improvement!’” Noah mocked. I started laughing so hard, I couldn’t breathe. Owen squirt milk out of his nose from laughing. It barely missed Noah and me. We stopped laughing. “Dude, gross!”

“Sorry. My nose milkshake is the only thing that really cools off a snoot full of Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers.” So, what did Owen do? He ate another one. “Mmm. Hot... Hot... Hot... Milk,” Owen said.

“‘Must learn how to make nose-shakes like Owen! That'll impress Cody!’” Noah insulted once more. I started laughing, again.

Owen laughed, and then shot a pepper out of nose. “OW!” Owen screamed. T

he pepper ricocheted around economy class and hit Tyler in the eye. “Ow! Weak!” Tyler said.

Noah and I laughed. “Check it out; I’ll shoot a pepper out of whichever nostril you choose.”

“Yeah, ‘cause one nose shake a day just isn’t enough,” Noah said.

“Aw, I’m out of milk.”

“Hey, Courtney, got anymore poop juice?” I asked her, completely joking. Owen laughed.

“Excuse me, gentlemen,” Alejandro said, passing us. I coughed. Alejandro looked at me and said, “Like I said, Gentlemen.” I rolled my eyes.

TDWT day...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon