TDWT day 20!

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“Welcome to Drumheller Alberta,” Chris introduced us to the next challenge. Due to my waking up late, I didn’t really know what went on in the morning. I am curious though since Sierra was growling and giving Heather a death glare. She also seemed to not want to talk to Cody which was the most interesting observation. “A world heritage site it has the wickedest collection of dinosaur bones on the planet. In front of you is a giant pit with lots of super ancient dino bones, grab whatever bones you can find to make your own life size dino. I’m calling it, Design-A-Saur It!” Chris said making us all groan. “I know they should pay me just to come up with titles, I’m just that good.”

Sierra growled like a dog at Heather. “What is your problem?” Heather asked her. Why do I feel like this has to do with last night? Wait, what did happen last night? Something with Alejandro, Sierra, and Heather… Eh, I’ll figure it out later.

Alejandro whispered something in Sierra’s ear that I couldn’t hear since was I standing on the far end beside Heather.

“You have two minutes to riffle through the plane's cargo hold and grab whatever you can to help build your creations. Annnndddd… Go,” Chris pointed to the plane. Sierra pushed Heather down, who, inturn, accidentally knocked me over. The rest ran.

Heather stood up first. “Sorry,” She held out her hand and I took it. I stood up and brushed myself off before running.


We got into the cargo hold, where everyone was looking for stuff. “Glitter glue, stickers, puffy paint, yes!” Sierra announced. Why do we have arts&crafts stuff here?

“Did somebody say we were making grade 3 art projects?” Heather asked. Sierra responded by squirting puffy paint in her face.

“No, but apparently she’s in grade 3,” I commented on the way Sierra handled that. What is her damage anyway?

“This might come in handy,” Cody said, carrying a canvas. Again, why do we have this stuff in here?! Heather took it from him, “Hey! I have dibs.”

“You didn’t call it until after. It doesn’t count!” Heather yelled at him. I figured this would be a good time to actually look for stuff.

I went deep into the cargo hold, past the sea of ant, through the forest of cobwebs, looking for stuff. I opened one of the boxes and a family of spiders crawled out. I screamed and jumped back into someones arms. I can’t say I was surprised when I saw who it was. “What do you want, Al?’

Deadass winced at his nickname and then got straight to the point. “Do you remember our conversation last night?”

“I know I barely understood it,” I honestly said. No point in lying.

Alejandro looked relieved, “Nevermind then.” He began to walk away.

“No, what about last night?” I demanded, following him.

“I was just making sure that you didn’t remember it.”

“I never said I didn’t remember it, I just said I barely understood it.”

He stopped and turned around to look at me. “What do you remember then?”

I shrugged. “Something about you, Sierra, and Heather,” I paused, trying to recall the rest, “I think you tried to make Sierra mad at Heather to get her to vote Heather off,” I started to eye him, “But I don’t remember how.”

Alejandro smiled. “And thats all you need to know.” He practically ran away. I sighed and went back to searching.


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