TDWT day 22! THE FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Even though it had only been a few minutes, I still could not believe I was in the finale and competing! It was unbelieveable! I was so pumped and so excited and just…*squeals!*

“Welcome back to Total Drama World Tour,” Chris said to the camera and the people at home. “Moments ago, these guys tied for third in a vote sandwich, tasty.” Chris rubbed his tummy. “During the break we sent them to vent in the confessional. Check it!”

Alejandro went to the confessional first./”I only let Heather beat me to give her a false sense of confidence.” Yeah, Al. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you like her. “But how will I explain to those at home that I tied with that pathetic Cody! My brother Jose will be compiling his insults already.”/

Cody went next./”I made it all the way to the final three-ish. I can’t believe how close I am to the million. There’s just one massive thing in my way: Alejandro. Against me! I never thought I’d say this, but, I wish Sierra was in here with me!”/

Heather ignored Cody’s confessional completely and decided to mock Alejandro. “You never mentioned you had a brother. Jose, is it?”

“He’s not worth mentioning,” Alejandro said quickly back. I would have been insulting him if I didn’t understand where he was coming from.

“Go Team Ale-hunk-dro!” Sadie cheered on from the side lines. She had Alejandro flags she was waving.  

Oh wow, everyone was back! Even the people who haven’t been on since season one! I search the stands to find Noah looking bored out of his mind, LeShawna rolling her eyes, Gwen holding Duncan’s hand, and Blaineley on a standing up stretcher covered in bandages from head to toe. Looked like the drop of shame treated her well. Speaking of which… Darn! Courtney was still in one piece.

“Why are they in teams? And why does my team suck?” Heather asked Chris.

They’re in teams?! I thought. I looked back to the peanut gallery and she was right. There are a bunch of people holding up flags to indicate what team they are on. Team Al was sitting on the very back of the stands and had Courtney, Katie, Sadie, Lindsay, and Tyler. Team Cody was in the middle with Harold, Beth, DJ, Eva, Justin, and Trent. My team was in the first row with exactly who you’d think: Gwen, Duncan, Noah, Owen, and LeShawna. Heather’s team was standing off the the right and was Blaineley. That does suck!

“The peanut gallery’s playing a major role in choosing a winner,” Chris said. The peanut gallery cheered. If this meant what I think it did it means that Cody better get off now!

“Sweet! I bet we’re all voting on the winner again!” Duncan said my thoughts out loud. Bye-bye, Cody, hello million bucks! Haha! It would be the easiest million anyone has ever made.

I went to the confessional./”The problem is that Cody’s in my way. Wow. Never thought I’d say that before. Cody is easily more likable than me. He wins whatever tiebreaker situation Chris has planned it’s no contest he’ll win over me. I’ve pissed Al off too much so almost everyone on his team will vote for Cody… That’s 10 votes against me 5 in favor of me. Lindsay might vote for me and if Tyler gets hit on the head hard enough then he might too. There’s also the possibility that Blaineley will vote for me but I don’t think she can talk. But if she did it would be 8 against 8 with Alejandro’s vote to determine the winner. He’d vote for his true love, Heather. So that leaves another tiebreaker and/or a recount with Heather completely out of it./.

However, (I thought this part, not in the confessional) if he doesn’t everyone on his team will vote for me since most people hate Al and Heather. Well, more of Cody’s fans that is. The issue is Alejandro. He has a huge fan base here on the show. Beth would go over to team Al since she falls for any hot guy that crosses her path. Justin would too, because of his hole “pretty boy” status. It’s not like I’ve been real nice to Harold over the years, but his hatred for both Heather and Alejandro might sway him to vote for me. DJ, Trent, and Eva don’t seem to have an issue with me, especially not DJ. All did stay for Gwen’s thing in season one, so I have that going for me. So, now, the vote it 7 against 9 and Alejandro better win this tie breaker!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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