Carrying On

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    "I love breakfast food!!!" Taeil said as he sat at the table in the dining room. "Well it's buffet style, so dig in!" Hunter chuckled. The four friends were still staying at the inn, they were too afraid to go home just yet. "I am so glad I finally got that green paint out of my hair." Silver sighed in relief. "Yeah those were the days!" Sarah chuckled. Everyone laughed at what happened a few years back. "Skye!" Taeil jumped up from his seat. "How is my beautiful Wife this morning?" Taeil continued. Skye shrugged and tiredly sat down. "Someone looks grumpy" Taeil poked her in the cheek playfully.

        "Hey there Skye, why don't you go grab yourself some breakfast?" Hunter said as he pointed his fork over to the steam tables. "I don't really like to eat in the makes me feel sick. Thank You though." She hesitated. "Well ok, if ya say so." Hunter shoved some hash brown into his face. "So after breakfast, who's up for a swim in the pool?" Asked Hunter. "We are!" The four friends said in unison.

      10 minutes passed as everyone waited outside the bathroom of Taeil and Skye's room. "Come on! What are you doing? You've been in there for 30 minutes now!" Silver complained. All the sudden they hear a loud boom sound. "What was that!? Sarah Jumped. "It sounded like it came from the bathroom." Silver added. "Taeil are you ok!?" Skye asked worryingly. "U-h y-yeah...a-all is good. H-heheh. I'm so glad they didn't notice that was a fart...." Taeil trailed off his words.

   "Ok, let's go!" Taeil finally came out of the bathroom in swim trunks. The stench followed him out of the bathroom. Everyone covered their nose and cautiously followed behind Taeil. "Wow! Look how beautiful this pool is! I'm so glad they put in a new one this year!" Silver was hyped. The friends jumped in the pool. "I'll just stay on the shallow guys stay over there." Skye said embarrassingly. She didn't know how to swim. "Nah, we'll come over there with you." the other four came over.

     "Hunter! These pancakes you made were terrible!" A man comes into the pool room with a look of displeasure. "Those are your pancakes....I didn't even make pancakes....." Hunter was unphased. Everyone laughed as the man angrilly walked out of the pool room.  "So fellas, I was thinkin' of something fun we can do this summer. We can go to an actual up and running carnival. Have you guys ever been to Nobels?" Hunter smiled. The friends looked at each other. "Nope!" They answered. "Well you'll get to go now! It's amazing! So many rides, great food and entertainment! You'll love it!" Hunter said happily.

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