Silver's Premonitions

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       "Woah! The Twister! I loved this roller coaster! Let's go on!" Sarah said excitedly. "Woah!" Said Taeil, everyone got on. "Um guys...I-I'm not really one for roller coasters, I-I'll just stay here." Silver backed away. What he really didn't want to say was it reminded him of the death traps they were once on a few years back.

       "Oh come on, what happened to having fun? Remember??" Taeil grunted. "I...Maybe I'm in over my head... But please; Give me a while to adjust." Silver whined. "Ah ok, well have fun watching us have fun." Taeil joked. The ride started up. Silver looked at the guy operating the ride, his mind shape shifting him into Zico. The sky went red and laughter turned to screams of terror. Silver found himself strapped onto the roller coaster tracks with carts filled of horrified people coming right for him.

       "AHAHAHAHAAAA I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING FUN! IT'S GONNA TAKE A CRAZY TURN!!!" Zico chuckled evilly. "LET ME OFF! LET ME OFF!" Silver cried. "HA! NO WAY! You're going down with them...Luckily I have this trusty ejection parachute Zico lent me." Taeil chuckled evilly as he ejected his seat and parachuted safely to the ground.  The carts came quicker and quicker. Silver looked down and saw Zico had Skye handcuffed to himself. He shook his head in disappointment.  The last thing he seen was Sarah's horrified gaze right before he was ran over, pieces of his body flung everywhere on sight.

       "Serves you right Silver! Did you have fun?? Silver....? SILVER!?" Taeil grunted. Silver stood there with a frozen permanent look of terror across his face. Taeil waved his hand in front of Silver's face. "Hey buddy, You ok?" asked Hunter. Silver screamed at the top of his lungs, drawing attention from the crowd. "Y-YOU, S-STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed at Taeil with tears running down his face. "Hunter...I-I need a time out to myself. You have fun..." Silver said as he walked off to find a place to be alone. "Sure, take your time. Just meet us at The Pizza Joint in 20 minutes for lunch, ok?" Asked Hunter. "Ok.." Silver said as he walked again. "Wait! Let me come with you!" Sarah said as she ran after him. Skye and Taeil stuck with Hunter.

       "Man, what did I do!?" Taeil grumbled. "He's ruining everything! I don't know why he can't just let go of the stupid past already!" "Taeil...everyone is different... You remember what we went through...Have you ever heard of PTSD?" Skye asked. Taeil raised a brow. "PTSD?" "PTSD...Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...some people just can't let go... It scars them for life... He was tortured the most than us three. Soldiers...... A lot of them go through it. They witness a lot of crazy stuff that goes down. Cut the poor guy some slack...PTSD is not to joke around with!" Skye continued. "I understand....but what I don't understand is why he screamed at me like that." Taeil felt a bit saddened now. "I'm not sure... But lets give him some space for now." Skye said as she took Taeil's hand. Taeil blushed.

       "Silver, Silver! Are you ok?" Sarah tried her best to catch up with him. "I just need some time to breath is all...I'm scared Sarah...I really am." Silver looked down as he walked. The wind blew a bit rough than usual, Silver looked around at the passing crowds, kids' laughter filled the air. He put his arm in front of Sarah and moved her back a bit. "What's wrong?" Sarah wondered. "Shh...D-Do you ever feel the presence of someone...even though you can't see them anywhere in sight? I feel like we're being watched...!" He looked around rapidly. The wind blew harder.

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