The Get Away Attempt

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       "Hunter! What do we do?" Sarah whispered. "Just stay back...." Immediately Hunter quickly kicked both guns from Zico's hands and knocked them into a wading pool. "RUN!" Hunter yelled. The friends and Hunter start to run off into the darkness.

       Zico growled and clenched his fist. "AFTER THEEM!!!!" He screeched. Jaehyo and TaeIl start chasing after them while making crazy sounds. "What in the world is wrong with them!?" Hunter asked as he kept running. "I-I don't know....HUNTER! ISN'T THAT YOUR CAR!?" Sarah asked as she watched what used to be a car, burn up in flames. "No!!! I just payed it off! How are we going to get out of here?" Hunter cried. "Let's ask the people who live around here to help us!" Skye said as she tried not to trip.

       "OO THEY THINK THEY CAN OUTSMART US AND GET AWAY? I DON'T THINK SO!" Zico growled. Jaehyo and TaeIl ran even faster. "Where did they go?" Asked TaeIl with a pant as he kept running. "They went down the path out towards the entrance. I hope they like the cool flame effect I put on Hunter's ride. AHAHAHAHHAHAAAA" Zico chuckled evilly.

       "Ok! Knock on any door! Ask if they can help us because we are being chased after and need to go back to The 5 Star Inn." Hunter said. "We are going to split up! I will go alone, Sarah and Skye go together, Taeil and Silver go together!" He continued. "A-are you sure you'll be ok?" Skye asked. "Yes, I'll be fine...Now go. Go on." Hunter said as he ran the other way.

       Taeil and Silver began knocking on doors. "Can you help us? There's 3 people chasing after us!" Silver whined. "I don't see anyone...Stop messing around! I'll call the police if you don't get your sorry good for nothing butts off my porch!" Said a man who had a beer gut and a scruffy face. "But Sir!" The man slams the door in their face. "What are we gonna do? It doesn't look like anymore houses are around." Silver asked. "Keep looking . ...You know, this sucks! I thought we got rid of them idiots for good!" Taeil growled.

       "Heheh...It appears they split up. Well I guess we should split up too. Jaehyo...Bring your Hammer Guitar and knock anyone out with it...But if it's Skye...use your dart gun. TaeIl, use your radio to smash them in the head even.....I'll just use my fists....and when you got anyone, drag them to our car." Zico ordered them. "Yes Sir!" They both said in unison. "Good. Because I WILL MURDER YOU BOTH IF YOU LOOSE THEM AGAIN THIS TIME! NOW GET MOVING!" He growled. TaeIl and Jaehyo sat against the wall listening to him lecture them again.

       "Ok...there seems to be a house over here ...Skye? Where are you?" Sarah asked as she turned around. Little did she know, Skye went her own way to help out more to get more houses. "Oh no! What if'm pretty sure they'd grab me too...but where could she be?" Sarah wondered.  She started to wander off into the woods to check.

       "This looks like a good place to check." Skye found herself in the middle of a street with a lot of businesses...The only problem was, most of them looked closed. She checked them out as she walked by. "Well, Well...Looky what we have here." She heard a voice. Skye froze up and slowly turned around. BAM! Jaehyo hit his guitar off the ground, surprising her. He wasn't smiling either, he looked rather murderous. His gaze could kill and his hair was a mess. "S-Stay away from me!" She cried. Skye started to run off to find help, but all the businesses were close.

       "STOP TRYING TO RUN! FACE IT! IT'S OVER!" Jaehyo yelled as he brought out his dart gun. He aimed it right for her, giving her a painful sting in the back, knocking her unconscious. Jaehyo slowly walked over with his guitar lifted behind him as he breathed heavily. "Got ya."

       "Well...I think that's all the houses I can find...everyone seems to go to bed really early" Hunter said as he began walking back to look for the others. "Mr.Scruffy...You are so pathetic to even THINK you can stop me." Zico glared at him from afar. "Just leave these kids alone! What is your problem anyways!?" Hunter growled. "MY PROBLEM!? MY PROBLEM!? AH-HA I'LL TELL YOU MY PROBLEM! I was married to Skye and these slick morons stole her away from me! I flew all the way to South Korea only to be disappointed by finding out the other era of mine did not have her! I then come back here to get my revenge if I were to see your sorry little faces again! And here you guys are!" Zico started to twitch.

       "Married? Skye isn't married to you . ..Her and Taeil just got married last year!" Hunter stepped back. Zico opened his eyes wide. "What!?" he grunted. Zico picked up a nearby traffic cone and chased down Hunter, starting to beat him with it. "HOW DARE HE! SHE IS MINE! WHY DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN! I BET YOU ARE THE IDIOT WHO SAVED THEM!" Zico growled with each hit. Hunter was soon knocked unconscious, with a bloody face and bled from the mouth.

      "Taeil! Silver! I can't find Skye!" Sarah saw them walking by. "What!? You don't think they can possibly have her, do you!?" Taeil whined. "I-I don't know... We have to find her and even Hunter to see if he is ok too!" Sarah, Taeil and Silver walked briskly around in terror to find their missing friend.

       "Stop! Do you hear that!?" Asked Silver wide eyed. "Hear what?" asked Taeil. "He's referring to the sound of me about to bash you all in the head." A voice said from behind a tree. "W-Who's there!? Stay away!" Taeil growled. Appearing from the shadows was TaeIl and Jaehyo. "It ends here. And NOW!" TaeIl growled. "GET THEM!" TaeIl yelled. Jaehyo and Taeil beat the friends with their guitar and radio, knocking them unconscious. "Leader will be happy for us for once I bet." Jaehyo said as he dragged Silver and Taeil.


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