The Worst Birthday Gift Ever

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(I apologize for the blurry pictures of The Jackpot members, I had to quickly pause the video i was watching and they were at a photoshoot with a lot of moving around. The pictures came from a YouTube Video called Block B Jackpot 2- I DID NOT make that video nor do I own it. Thank You)

       It was the final and last day at the Hotel and going to Nobels. The 7th Day. "Wakey wakey!" Hunter chuckled as he whipped open the blinds. "We got a looonnng day ahead! We're staying at Nobels till 10 tonight!" Hunter said as he opened the fridge to get some water. "Isn't the park closed by then?" Taeil rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. "They close at Midnight and Open at 10am. They really need money to keep this place up and running. It's many years old." Hunter answered. "Ohhhhh ok." A few minutes later Silver groaned and woke up. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SILLLLVEERRRR!!!" Hunter and Taeil both yelled. Silver jumped about 5 ft into the air.

       Everyone soon assembled downstairs for breakfast. "Silver...aren't you hungry?" Sarah asked as she looked at Silver who had his head down on the table. "I can't...I can't when I feel like this...." His voice muffled. "What's the matter? Do you feel sick?" Sarah worried. "No...I-It's not...I have a REALLY bad feeling about tonight... I-I don't know what or why......B-But I do... And I know FOR SURE it's not a false alarm..." Silver looked up to her. Skye, Taeil and Hunter looked to him. "Listen...You need to unwind and relax! We did this whole week thing for you! For Your Birthday! I just wish you can see that there is nothing going to happen to you!" Taeil tried to hold back his annoyance.

       "Y-You guys did? I just thought this was a summer fun thing" Silver asked shyly. "Well, Yeah. Why do you think we are staying at the park extra late tonight instead of until 7?" Hunter chuckled. Silver smiled a bit and looked down. "See there's the smile we've been waiting to see!" Taeil laughed.  

       An hour later, the friends were headed to Nobels to begin their Fun Filled day. "Ok guys, lets go grab our tickets." Hunter said as he had the friends follow. Immediately after Silver stepped foot onto the Nobels' ground, he felt a shock wave of fear immerge his body. He wasn't sure what or why was causing this, all he knew was he was being watched. Silver ran up and accidentally smacked into Sarah. "Woah! You ok?" Sarah asked Silver who was now on the ground rubbing his head. "Haha...y-yeah I think so..." Sarah helped up Silver and proceeded into the park.

       "Yoooo!!! Check out this ride! Skye! Do you remember this one?" Sarah asked. "Let's go on it!" Skye agreed. Sarah and Skye got onto the ride. "Bruh! This will be awesome!" Sarah laughed. "Ha I know right." The ride began to start, each time they passed Silver and Taeil. "Look at Silver...Do you think he's know, about something being wrong?" Skye asked. "I don't know...I think he was struck paranoid when Hunter pretended to take him to Jackpot Block B's base." Sarah brushed it off. Skye took one last look as she saw Taeil quickly pick his nose and looked around to see if anyone noticed. "Ew...." Skye whispered under her breath. The ride soon halted to a stop. "That was awesome! Taeil, Silver! Come on, ride again with us!" Said Sarah. "Ok." Taeil said as he walked by the guy operating the ride with a passing fart. The man covered his face in disgust. "Come on Silver! What are you waiting for? For your hair to fall out?" Taeil Joked. "If I get on this ride, will you PROMISE to SHUT UP!?" Silver grunted at Taeil. "Yeah, now get over here!" Taeil growled. He was getting tired of Silver's attitude.

       Sarah and Skye looked at each other in confusion. They don't know what happened to those two, they used to be very close. The ride started up and Silver clung onto Sarah. "We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" he kept crying over and over. The man operating the ride stopped it due to Silver's crying. "Is something the matter?" asked the man as he stared at them. The man looked as if he transformed into Zico. Silver's eyes widened. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HURT ANYONE! YOU GOT IT!?" Silver screamed as he tried to undo the seat belt. "Woah Kid! Relax...I think he needs to get off and chillax...Ya know?" The guy said as he let the friends off the ride. Sarah escorted Silver over to a nearby bench. Taeil sat with Skye on the other side, giving Silver a death glare.

       "Is everything ok? Why aren't you guys having fun?" Asked Hunter. "Silver had another panic attack" Sarah said as she rubbed Silver's back. Silver sat there with his hands covering his eyes. "I-I'm sorry...I really am...I-I just want to look out for you all...It's hard to recover when you suffered something traumatizing...ya know?" Silver teared up. Skye looked at Taeil. Taeil looked down ashamed he'd been so hard on Silver.

       The day passed as the friends tried to find ways to help Silver have a nice Birthday. The time was 9pm. "One more hour... What should we do?" Asked Hunter. That's when Sarah remembered...Silver loved Play grounds. "Hunter...Is there any play grounds around here?" Sarah asked. "Sure is, right in the back of the Carnival." "We need to take Silver there! He should be cheered up by that!" Sarah said as she grabbed her backpack. "Silver...we're gonna take you to your favorite place...The Playgrounnd!!" Taeil said as he leaned over into his ear. His ear twitched. "REALLY!?" Silver jumped up and grabbed Hunter by the wrist. "TAKE.ME.THERE." Silver said as he dragged him along. Hunter chuckled as the friends followed along.

       "I'm sure glad that worked." Hunter said as he watched Silver, a grown man, playing on monkey bars. Sarah,Skye and Taeil all agreed. "Hey.. The wind is picking up....That's a bit unusual." Hunter said as he checked the weather on his phone. "S-S-Sil-Ver! I would get off if I were y-you!" Sarah said as she noticed 3 Dark figures emerge from some bushes. "Huh?" Silver turned around as the friends backed up in fear. Silver's eyes widened as the dark figures were revealed. It was Zico, TaeIl, and Jaehyo of Villain Jackpot Block B.  Silver screamed and froze in fear, quickly jumping off, twisting his ankle.

       "Well, Well, WELL. Isn't this just a wonderful reunion! I'm so glad we met again!" Zico said as he raised his hands in the air walking twords the friends. "You even brought Scruffy with you" Zico looked to Hunter. TaeIl and Jaehyo followed with Demented grins across their face. "Don't touch us! Leave us alone!" Hunter growled. Zico laughed. " think we would just let you go AFTER YEARS OF SEARCHING FOR YOU PEOPLE! I flew all the way to South Korea to search for Skye! Only to find IT WAS A LIE! Very Good Era never had her! I then came back here and looked for years! AND NOW HERE YOU PEOPLE ARE. THIS LOVELY CARNIVAL BROUGHT US TOGETHER!" Zico started having a mental break down as TaeIl and Jaehyo started laughing crazilly. Jaehyo tried to lunge at Skye to grab her.

       Zico held him back as he wispered to Jaehyo. "Wait until I give the signal....then we grab them" "Face the facts! We found you. It's over." Zico said as he brought out a dart gun and a regular gun. "Run you get shot, cooperate, you just get knocked unconscious. Pick one." Zico grinned evilly. Hunter stood in front of the fear stricken friends with an angered look upon his face.



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